Chapter 8

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It's been a week since our first planning meeting and PJ refuses to tell me anything about his 'idea' and apparently Chris knows as well. I was starting to get slightly scared as to what they had planned but PJ says I should trust him that it wasn't anything bad, it just involved power tools. Well that certainly calmed my nerves didn't it?

I was sitting in my room playing video games putting off my homework, and it seemed like a great way to start my weekend; Procrastination. Rain started pouring outside and thunder started rumbling and I think I even saw some flashes of lightning. I love thunder storms, being inside while they rage outside is peaceful in an ironic kind of way. My phone buzzed next to me and I saw it was a text from PJ

'What are you doing tonight?'

'Nothing really'

'Good' he replied. I frowned slightly.

'why?' I asked but he didn't reply.

PJs texts unsettled me a bit but I just put my phone down and tried to concentrate on my video games but it didn't work so I just gave up and lay down on my bed, looking at my ceiling. Maybe this whole thing was a bad idea. PJ and Chris are a bit eccentric and did I even like Phil that much? He was great and everything but he probably didn't even like me. He seemed so cool and collected and every time he looked at me my heart seemed to give up. And he was so confusing, one minute he's saying he likes me and kissing me and then he's back to being my friend as if nothing happened.

My phone ringing interrupted my thoughts. It was Phil.

"Hey," I said picking up my phone. The other end sounded crackly.

"Oh good, I've been trying to get hold of everyone but no one was answering," he said sounding exasperated.

"What's wrong?" I asked sitting up.

"It's my stupid car, it's broken down and I'm in the middle of no where and it's raining so much and my phone is about to die. I don't know what to do,"

"I'll come get you," I said quickly.

"Really? Thank you so much. You're a life saver!" I smiled at the gratitude in his voice.

"Where are you?" I asked standing up.

"I...I'm not really sure. Like twenty minutes away from Manchester. In some fields,"

"Phil. That's so helpful. Thank you," I said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry. I'm completely lost," he said sounding slightly scared.

"Okay, well stay in your car, otherwise you'll freeze to death," I said as I slipped on my jacket "keep talking to me. What can you see?" I wrote a quick note to mum, grabbed my keys and ran out the door.

"Um... A lot of grass. I didn't know there were this many fields this close to Manchester," he groaned "I should've payed more attention in geography," I laughed.

"Don't worry, I'm on my way," I said as I started my car. Just then i remembered PJs texts. He wouldn't have set this up would he? I pushed the thought out my mind to focus on Phil.

"It's freaking freezing," Phil said quietly.

"Are you okay?" I said worried "where were you anyway?"

"I'm fine. The heating is broken but it's not that bad," ignoring the question about where he was then. I told myself I didn't matter and that he could go wherever he wanted to go on a Friday night but it annoyed me.

"Is there anything you can tell me that might help me find you?" I said urgently realising that I was just driving with no particular destination.

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