Chapter 5

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Phil fit in with us so perfectly it was almost hard to imagine him not being our friend. We would play Mario Kart and order pizza and sit together in all our lessons and as it turned out Phil was even better at getting us out of lessons than Chris and PJ (which to be honest wasn't hard). I was still confused as to what was happening between us but I liked having him as my friend and I don't think I want to complicate that. At least that's what I think until he looks at me with his gorgeous eyes or smiles at me or when he laughs and his tongue sticks out. God, he's cute.


"Pizza?" I ask.

"Yeah sure," PJ says as he sinks into one of the beanbags in my room.

"I'm good with that," Phil says from where he is lying on the bottom of my bed, throwing and catching a ball repeatedly. We all turn to look at Chris.

"Why don't we go out again?" He suggests.

"Really?" I ask. "I'm not sure if I'm quite ready to relive that hangover,"

"Yeah, I mean I didn't drink as much as Dan but it still hurt the next day," PJ said.

"I think it's a good idea. We should go," Phil says sitting up. I internally groan.

"It wasn't that bad last time was it Danny?" Chris asks and I slap his arm.

"I guess I'm down for it if you guys are," PJ says shrugging at me. I look at Chris' hopeful face and PJ's smiling one and lastly at Phil's. Well, I guess last time wasn't that bad.

"Okay, fine, lets go," I say sighing.

"Yes!" Chris says and we all grab our jackets, I send a quick text to mum telling her I'll be home late and that I won't drink much.


The club is just the same as it was a few weeks ago. Same loud music. Dancing people. Same bar. Chris runs to get us some drinks and we start dancing. I vow to only have one drink. I want to be able to remember this in the morning and not wake up with the feeling of elephants running around in my skull.

We're in the middle of the crowd again and the four of us as jumping around, dancing and singing when they start playing Sugar, We're Going Down again. I look at Phil. And he looks at me. Our bodies are close together because of all the people on the dance floor.

Am I more than you bargained for yet? I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear, cause that's just who I am this week.

I can feel Phil's breath on my face and I think he's going to kiss me again when he just smirks and steps away. I don't move at first because I'm shocked he didn't kiss me. Some part of me is glad, I don't want to lose him as a friend but even more of me is disappointed. I feel soft fingers lace through my hand and I see Phil smiling at me. I squeeze his hand and we dance and sing and I forget about the Almost-Kiss, it doesn't matter. I just want to have fun. So that's what I do.

At quarter to one, I yell to the other telling that I should be heading home so my mum doesn't worry.

"Oh, stay please for one more dance?" Phil asks slurring his words slightly because of the amount of alcohol.

"Please," PJ adds. I look at them all.

"Okay fine, one more dance," and I let Phil lead me back into the middle of the dancing bodies. All moving without a care, just wanting to have fun. It's then that I realise my hand is still in Phil's. It feels so natural I hadn't even realised. Our hands fit together.

And we dance. It's more than one dance, I know that for certain but I don't care I'm having too much fun. Chris gets us more drinks and I feel myself getting more and more drunk. I fall over once or twice but I'm nowhere near as drunk as any of the others. PJ almost hits a girl in the face attempting to do some crazy dance move. At that point I decide its best if we leave before one of them injures someone or themselves so I grab their hands and pull them towards the exit.

"But I don't want to leave!" PJ whines.

"Neither do I," Chris adds. I look at Phil expecting protest from his as well.

"You have nice eyes," he says after a moment of silence.

"Thanks Phil," I say turning back to PJ and Chris. "Come on guys, let's get you all home. You can stay over at mine," After protesting they finally say yes and I push them all into a taxi.

PJ ends up lying across the three of us as we sit in the taxi and Chris is fiddling with his hair.

"I like your hair," Chris says absentmindedly.

"So do I," PJ states and that causes them to start giggling hysterically so much so that PJ falls on to the floor of the taxi with a loud "ow," I laugh as I help him to sit back up.

"You okay?" I ask still smiling.

"Yeah, I'm okay," he says rubbing his elbow.

When we arrive at my house, I pay the taxi driver and help them all out the taxi and into the house, I try and hush them all as they go into my room so they don't wake up my mum. I'm about to go and get the blow up bed but Chris and PJ has already collapsed on to the floor and are drifting off to sleep. And being the terrible friend I was, I really couldn't be bothered to do anything about it.

"Are you alright?" I ask Phil. He's looking intently at me. He nods. I look at him for a minute, mesmerised by his eyes. He takes a step closer to me.

"I really like you Dan," Phil says quietly.

"I like you too Phil," I say and he takes another step towards me. He leans forward to kiss me. I want to stop him, he's drunk, we both are, it wouldn't be right. But then his lips collide with mine and I really don't care. I put my arms around his neck and kiss him back. I break apart from him and took a step back. "We some sleep," I say stuttering slightly.

"You're blushing," Phil says. I smile at him and he walks over to my bed and collapses lying horizontally fully dressed onto it and falls fast asleep. I look at him for a second and then at PJ and Chris who are still on my floor and I laugh when I noticed Chris had his thumb in his mouth. My friends are so crazy.

"Goodnight guys," I say and I walk out my room deciding it was best to sleep on the sofa for tonight.

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