Chapter 6

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When I wake up I feel a little groggy but not as bad as the night we met Phil. I swallow some aspirin and then check the others are still asleep so I make us all cups of tea and go in to my room to give the cups of hot liquid to them. I decide to grab some aspirin for them as well. When I walk in Chris and PJ are still on the floor but they are hugging each other. I laugh and quickly take out my phone to take a picture. And Phil looks so peaceful and sweet I almost don't want to wake him. Almost.

"Rise and shine!" I yell right over Chris and PJ. Chris freaks out and slaps me as some kind of defence reflex and PJ just groans loudly and rolls over. It was then that Chris realises he was holding on to PJ and he quickly lets go and jumps up. Before clutching his head at the sudden movement. I put my hand to my face. "You slapped me!" I say incredulously to Chris.

"Yeah, so?" He replies. I just sigh and walk over to Phil.

"You awake?" I asked. He groans and made some kind of hand signal which I assumed meant 'yes, now leave me alone'. "I brought you all some aspirin and tea,"

"Thanks mate," PJ says quietly, rolling over and slowly sitting up. I hold out my hand to him to help him get the rest of the way up. Phil has fallen back asleep and Chris is leaning against the bed with his head between his knees.

"Such lightweights," I mutter laughing and PJ hit my arm but stumbles slightly as he does so.

"Says the one who forgot his first kiss!" Chris retorts.

"It wasn't my first kiss!" I exclaimed "and shut up," I say glancing at Phil. He looks asleep.

"He's asleep don't worry. And when was your first kiss then? How come I didn't know! I'm your best friend!" Chris says.

"Actually, I'm his best friend," PJ says, picking up his tea.

"No, I am!" Chris says indignantly.

"I am," PJ says and on and on they went. They may be fighting but at least they dropped the kiss conversation. So maybe it was my first kiss, but still, who cares?

Phil finally wakes up and the four of us sit and eat toast and cereal because my cooking skills aren't exactly the best.

"You make good toast," Phil comments.

"It's burnt," I say confused.

"It's still good," Phil says taking another bite.

"He's right," PJ adds, "this is the best burnt toast I've ever had," Chris mumbles some sort of agreement through his mouthful of food.

"Thanks guys, it means a lot," I say placing a mocking hand over my heart.

"Anytime. Anytime," PJ mumbles and I laugh. We clear away our plates and spend a few hours talking and playing video games.

I don't know if Phil remembers the kiss. Or what is going on with the two of us but for now I'm content. I have three amazing friends and I'm happy.

So sorry this is so boring and really short. I'll upload really soon. Thank you so much for reading this. Love you all lots and lots. Xx

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