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I pull the last cardboard box out of the boot of my car and shut it and lock it.

I walk across the pavement and back up into the apartment building. I'm panting and tired by the time I reach our floor and walk through the open door.

"Is that the last one?" Phil asks from the living room.

"Yeah," I said leaning against the door. All day we'd been carrying heavy boxes and furniture up five flights of stairs and I was knackered. Phil walked round the corner to look at me. He raised his eyebrows and walked towards me and took the box out my hands and leant forward to kiss me. "Don't, I'm all smelly and disgusting," I say.

"I don't care. You're still beautiful," and he kissed me. I pushed him away from me and smiled.

"Come on. Let's unpack this last box," and we walk into the living room and I open it up.

I reach inside and pull out the framed photo I bought for Phil for his 18th a few months ago.

"I've been waiting to unpack this all day. I thought we could put it right in the middle of the room," he says and moves to the mantlepiece and holds it in place.

"Yeah put it there. That's super cute," I say. And Phil places it.

"What's left in the box?" He asks.

"Just some bowls, I'll go put them in the kitchen," I say lifting them out and walking into the kitchen. After I put them away I feel Phil hands snake around my waist and I smile and he spins me around so our foreheads touch. He lifts me up onto the counter and I wrap my legs around his waist to hold him to me. I twist my hands in his hair. "I love you Philip Michael Lester,"

"And I...love you," he says and brings our lips to meet again.

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