Chapter 32

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In the morning I wake up wrapped in Phil's arms. He looks so peaceful sleeping; his eyes flickering slightly and his hair pointing in every direction.

I kiss his forehead and try to wiggle out of bed without waking him up. He moves around a bit but stays asleep so I pull on a jumper and head downstairs.

"Morning," PJ says as I walk downstairs. He's sat at the table with his laptop open eating a bowl of cereal.

"Hey. Where's Chris?" I ask walking to the fridge to get the juice out.

"Still asleep," PJ says. "I doubt he'll be awake before 12 to be honest,"

"Guess so," I say grabbing my drink and going to sit beside PJ.

"Sleep well?" He asks.

"Yeah fine thanks. You?"

"I would've slept a whole lot better if I couldn't hear Chris' extremely loud snoring through the walls," he says.

"You didn't seem to mind his snoring all the times you fell asleep hugging him," I point out.

"Yeah but I was drunk. It was easier to get to sleep when I'd had too much alcohol, it didn't bother me then," he said.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"About quarter past 11," PJ replies.

"So do you know what we're doing today?" I ask.

"Not really but Chris mentioned something about there being a lake quite near by and there's a big house on the other side which always let off a massive firework display at around ten so we could go watch that from our side of the lake?"

"Sounds great," I say downing my juice and standing up to put it in the dishwasher.

"Morning guys," Phil says from the stairs rubbing his eyes and walking downstairs.

"Hiya Phil," PJ says.

"Morning," I say smiling at him as he rubs his eyes adorably. "Do you want a drink?"

"I'm alright thanks," he says. "Is Chris still asleep?"

"Yep. And will probably stay asleep for several more hours," I say and he nods and walks into the kitchen and jumps up onto the surface.

"What is it with you people and not sitting on chairs?" PJ asks.

"It's fun!" Phil says and PJ rolls his eyes.

"You need to get out more," he mutters.

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