Bullet holes will heal

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I crossed my arms over my chest and looked out the window from the bedroom and watched the cop get out of his car. "It looks pretty deserted dispatch. Did you want me to take a look inside?" The cop asked and I eyed the dog in the back of the car that was with him.

"It's county property. Orders to make sure it's vacant." Dispatch replied and I smirked and tilted my head at the German Shepard who winced.

"I-I don't think anyone's home." The cop replied hesitantly, obviously not wanting to fully investigate.

"For the love of God, sixteen. Go inside and see if anyone's in there." Dispatch stated angrily and I snarled at the dog before it started barking vigorously.

"Copy that." The cop stated, slowly walking towards the house. I clenched my jaw and glared down at the dog, feeling my eyes shift into my amber yellow ones. I watched the dog throw its head out of the window and bark loudly out of control, scaring the cop. The dog started wincing before the cop ran back towards the car and drove off.

"Was that necessary?" Derek asked from behind me and I scoffed, not meeting his gaze.

"I don't know. I get you out of jail and you ask if that was necessary." I replied angrily before I saw Scott's figure coming into view from the woods and I smirked. I turned around and quickly ran past Derek and toward the stairs, jumping over them and onto the landing. I looked back at Derek who had amusement on his face and I rolled my eyes.

"I know you can hear me." Scott's voice stated from outside. "I need your help." He added in defeat. Derek and I shared the same expression before he slowly came down the stairs and put his hand on the doorknob before opening the door. Scott stood on the porch in front of us and we both walked out, closing the door behind us. "Okay.. I know I was part of you getting arrested and that we basically announced you both being here to the hunters, I also don't know what happened to your sister—But I think I did something last night." Scott stated in a worried voice before Derek and I exchanged looks. "I had a dream about.. Someone but then someone else got hurt and it turns out that, that part of the dream actually happened.." He informed and I tilted my head at him.

"You think you attacked the driver at the school." I stated, narrowing my eyes at him and he widened his eyes.

"Did you see what I did last night!" He asked loudly, panic and worry taking him over.

"No." I replied calmly and Scott let out a breath of relief.

"Can you at least tell me the truth? Am I gonna hurt someone?" He asked and I looked at Derek who kept the same stolen expression on his face.

"Yes." Derek answered emotionlessly and I sighed at how much he wasn't helping.

"Can I kill someone?" Scott asked with worry in his voice again.

"Yes." Derek stated emotionlessly yet again, making me roll my eyes.

"Am I gonna kill someone?" Scott asked, widening his eyes.

"Probably." I added in and watched his eyes widen into surprise even more. "Look, we can show you how to remember. We can show you how to not shift, even on a full moon.. But it's not gonna come for free." I stated, looking back at Derek.

"What do you want?" Scott asked in defeat as he looked between both of us.

"You'll find out.. But for now you're gonna get what you want. Go back to the bus, go inside. See it, feel it. Let your senses, smell, touch, sight. Let them remember for you." I informed as I crossed my arms over my chest.

Kill or be Killed || Teen Wolf ~ Derek Hale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now