Damned at War

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I know this is a day early but I love this chapter so... Here you go. Also, I separated the last episode into two chapters because of how long it was.. The ending is very important to me because Amelia has been such a main part in this book. I am very proud I created her into this story and into the stories of Scott and Derek. Hope you guys enjoy. ❤️ Don't forget to comment 😉

"Where do you think they are?" Argent asked and I shook my head at him as I drove his SUV through Beacon Hills.

"We'll follow the sound of gunshots. That's usually where Scott is." I stated as I came to a stop and Argent put his hand on the wheel, making me look at him in confusion.

"You go." Argent gestured for me to get out and I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "I'm wounded, Amelia. I need to patch myself up. I can't fight like this." He sighed and I slowly nodded at him and unbuckled.

"Are you okay to drive?" I asked in worry and he unbuckled his seatbelt in response.

"I can take care of it myself. You need to go find your pack." Argent warned and I sighed at him as we both got out of the car. I walked around to the front of the vehicle and met Argent there and watched as he limped, still bleeding and holding his stomach.

"I don't know if I should leave you." I argued worriedly and he put the hand that wasn't holding his stomach, on my shoulder.

"You need to go help the others. Trust me, I'll find you when I can." Argent reassured and I sighed and nodded. I hugged Argent quickly and he was caught off guard but hugged back before I pulled away.

"You do what you can. This war isn't ending anytime soon.. But you better be there to finish it." I warned and Argent nodded at me.

"I wouldn't miss it." Argent replied and I smiled before I ran away from him and the car.

I knelt towards the ground as the sound of gunshots came through my ears. Loud groans and fighting was coming from beyond the shipping docks, where Scott, Malia, Argent and I nearly got holes put in us a few months ago. I slowly stood from the ground and shifted my eyes. I crept along the side of the shipping trailers before I saw hunters gunning down the pack.. Scott, Malia, Peter and Lydia. I growled angrily and ran towards the shipment dock and heard the firepower become louder in my ears. I watched as hunters forcefully shot through cement posts trying to shoot the pack as they hid behind them. I crept up behind one of the hunters and kicked him in the back, he fell to the ground groaning and dropping his gun feet from him. The hunter next to him turned his gun to me and started firing angrily. "Amelia!" Scott yelled from somewhere around me and I growled shifting fully. I tried to doge the bullets but one went into my shoulder and I howled. I fell back on the ground as the hunter pointed the gun at me, ready to shoot another bullet into me before Scott growled and came into my view as he came out of hiding. The hunter turned towards him with his gun his finger on the trigger only to be flung to the ground next to me, as a familiar jeep hit him from the side.

"You didn't think you were gonna fight without me, did you?" Stiles asked from the driver's seat of his jeep and I sighed in relief as Scott smiled towards him.

"Without us?" Derek added coming into view and standing next to his driver's door before he walked towards me and picked me off of the ground.

"I'm fine." I said emotionless as he examined my shoulder. Derek narrowed his eyes at me before his eyes clouded over.

"I know." Derek replied emotionless before shifting. I watched as he growled and ran towards the hunters that were still shooting around us. I fully shifted also, forgetting the pain coming from my shoulder as I looked at the hunters that were still trying to put holes in the pack. I ran towards one of the cement posts that held up the shipping dock as Lydia stood behind another.

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