Face the music

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"Liam." Scott stated trying to pull Liam's covers off of him but they wouldn't budge.

"I'm sick-I-I'm sick." Liam replied fake coughing and Scott looked at me confused before I held my hands up in defeat and sat in the chair beside the bed.

"You're not sick." Scott sighed trying to pull the covers off of Liam again.

"Yeah, I'm like deadly sick. I-I think it's the flu." Liam stuttered and I rose my eyebrow at him.

"It's not flu season." I countered and Liam fake coughed from within his covers.

"Then I probably have pneumonia." Liam replied not giving up and I looked at Scott.

"Liam, you're a werewolf. You can't get pneumonia." Scott pointed out and I looked back at Liam's blanket that was over his head. "But you know what you can get, is in trouble for being late to school, so come on, lets go." Scott added ripping the blanket off of Liam who sat up on his elbows.

"I don't think I should go to school. Or outside, or anywhere. Ever again." Liam stated shaking his head and pulling the covers back over him.

"It doesn't matter what you think because you gotta go. Now all you have to do is pretend like nothing happened." Scott countered shrugging and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Brett and Lori died, Scott." I stated emotionless and Scott looked at me in silence before he looked down. "People saw Liam not Liam and now he's supposed to pretend that they didn't?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him.

"Think of it like when Superman gets caught with his glasses off. You know, he doesn't give up. He puts them back on and says 'I'm still Clark Kent'." Scott stated and I looked away silently as Liam scoffed.

"You want me to wear glasses?" Liam asked dumbfounded from within his covers and Scott rolled his eyes.

"No." Scott replied in annoyance as he grabbed one of Liam's legs from within the sheets and dragged him to the end of the bed. "I want you to go to school and be Liam Dunbar." Scott added as he pulled Liam off of the bed and onto the floor below him. "Just like how super man has to be Clark Kent. Like Spider-man, Captain America..-" Scott said before Liam cut him off.

"But Captain America is just Steve Rogers. He doesn't have to pretend, everyone already loves him. Unlike us, who everyone hates." Liam stated and looked away from Scott. "They hate us for trying to save their lives." Liam added emotionless and I got up from the chair I sat in.

"You're right." I nodded and Liam looked at me as I stood beside Scott before I knelt in front of him. "We are trying to save lives.." I said before looking back at Scott before he looked away from me and I sighed. "Which is why you're going to get up and go to school and pretend like nothing happened." I stated looking back at Liam. "Because if you don't.. more people could die." I added and Liam just stared at me.

"Because of me.." Liam whispered and I stared at him remembering the same thoughts going through my head.

"We didn't really know Brett or Lori.." I stated and Scott knelt next to me now. "Not like you did.." I added tilting my head at Liam. "But we know you, Liam.. And what happened wasn't our fault.. It wasn't your fault." I whispered and Scott grabbed Liam's backpack before handing it to him.

"And if you're afraid of seeing anymore of your friends die.." Scott stated wandering off as Liam stared at us silently.

"You'll go." I finished and gestured towards the backpack that was in Liam's lap. Liam looked down at the backpack and sighed at it. "For Brett and Lori." I added making Liam look up at me and slowly nod.

Kill or be Killed || Teen Wolf ~ Derek Hale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now