Motions of Position

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"That's how he got in?" Corey asked as we stared at the ceiling in Scott's house.

"What is it?" Liam asked as he stood next to me confused as we all stared at the black spot on the ceiling like it was a burn mark from being overheated.

"It's the point of impact from the lightening strike." Mason replied and I rose my eyebrow at him. "Usually you find charged spots like that on the ground after a violent thunder storm." He added looking at all of us.

"That's how the Ghost Rider got in." Scott stated and I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "He rode lightening." Scott added before looking at me and I slowly nodded.

"If they can use lightening to get past the mountain ash-" I started before I looked back at the ceiling. "No place is safe." I added shaking my head and Corey looked a us.

"What about the others? It's my fault they're marked." Corey stated shaking his head at us and I looked at Scott.

"We'll find a way to protect them." Scott replied and I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"All of them?" I asked shaking my head at him. "Scott, half of the school was at this party and saw the Ghost rider." I said before I sighed looking back up at the mark on the ceiling. "We are so screwed." I whispered.

"It's a relic." Lydia stated as we looked down at the I.D of a former student before the Ghost Riders took him.

"What's a relic?" Malia asked confused and I folded my arms over my chest as we all stood in the hallway of the school.

"It's an object with a fixed association with the past." Lydia replied and I rose my eyebrow at her. "Jake's I.D was left behind after he was taken and Gwen found her sister's bracelet on her bedroom floor." Lydia added and I furrowed my eyebrows before I slowly nodded.

"A conservation of mass.. Someone can be erased but something of theirs can still be left behind." I said and they all looked at me confused. "The total mass of any isolated system remains constant." I said and Scott rose his eyebrow.

"So even the Ghost Riders have a weakness.." Scott replied and I nodded at him smirking.

"A relic would help prove that Stiles existed." Malia added grabbing the student I.D from Lydia.

"And maybe we can bring him back." I stated furrowing my eyebrows. "We need to tell Liam and Mason." I stated and Scott nodded in agreement before we left Lydia and Malia in the hallway and walked towards the library.

"You really think we can pull this off?" Scott asked as we walked and I shrugged at him.

"Fighting them is better than trying to protect half of the student body." I replied in annoyance before we walked into the library and I saw Liam and Mason arguing about something.

"We need to fight them." Liam stated in annoyance and I rose my eyebrow.

"We need to hide them." Mason argued back as Scott and I stopped in front of them.

"Who?" Scott asked and the two boys turned towards us.

"The Ghost riders-The people at the party." Liam and Mason stated at the same time and I sighed at them before I looked at Scott.

"We could get a lightening rod. Attract the Ghost Riders and catch them off guard." Liam stated looking back at Scott and I.

"But since everyone who was at the party is in danger, all we need to do is find a safe place to find them until the storm passes." Mason added and Liam sighed at him.

"The Ghost Riders ride the lightening. No where is safe." Liam replied in annoyance.

"It is-if we're underground. The earth can ground the lightening's electrical charge." Mason replied and I sighed in annoyance and sat in front of them.

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