The man of Gevande.

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Since the last chapter was short;)

"We got to find them. It's Mason." I stated groaning as I laid on Scott's bed and him and Kira stood over me.

"I know. Everybody's looking." Kira replied and I slowly nodded breathing heavily and looking up at the ceiling.

"I-I need to get to the loft." I stated about to get up before Scott softly pushed me back down.

"You're staying here for the night. I'll sleep on the floor or on the couch.. You need to heal.. Then we help find Mason.. But not until I know you're healed." Scott stated eyeing me and I slowly sighed nodding up at him before I closed my eyes.

"Thanks, Scotty." I whispered before I fell asleep.

-Time Skip-

I gasped waking up and lifted up my tank to see by stomach, side and arm healed and I slowly nodded getting quickly up. I put my pants on, socks and my boots on before I grabbed a dark grey sweatshirt and walked downstairs. "My dad's got an A.P.B out." Stiles voice said ringing in my ears and I rose my eyebrow.

"For a 5'8 sixteen year old?" Kira asked and turned the corner into the living room.

"I recommended 9 foot tall rampaging werewolf." Stiles replied sarcastically and I smirked at his sarcasm.

"It still might not be him." Liam added in doubt and denial and I felt silence. "I-Hayden's at the school looking." He added slowly sighing.

"I can go check the woods?" Malia asked and I slowly sighed.

"My mom can check all hospitals?" Scott added and I walked in.

"We will find him." I stated and all of their eyes fell on me.

"And what happens then?" Liam asked raising his eyebrow at me but I knew what he was really asking.

"We figure out a way to save him." I replied in reassurance and Lydia slowly nodded.

"Okay. Where else could we look?" Lydia asked furrowing her eyebrows and I slowly nodded.

"Let's ask Corey." I stated before I grabbed behind me and pulled Corey out as he un-camouflaged himself from the wall.

"N-no wait-it's not my fault! I had him a-and they took him. They took him!" Corey said freaking out.

"Who? Who took him?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows as I still had a hold of his shirt.

"The dread doctors." Corey replied silently and I let him go slowly sighing.

"How stupid are we for doing this?" Liam asked as we quickly walked down the stairs and into the hallway.

"We're not stupid. We're desperate." Scott stated before stopping at the boys locker room and Liam stepped in front of Scott and I.

"How desperate?" Liam asked eyeing me and I slowly sighed.

"Incredibly desperate." I replied before shaking my head and opened the door to the locker room to see Tracey and Theo.. I gestured towards them and Liam and Scott walked in before me and I shut the door behind me.

"I told you we'd end up on the same side." Theo stated smirking at us.

"How about I punch you in the balls to remind you we're not?" Liam asked smirking at him and I chuckled a bit shaking my head at him.

"I love this kid." Theo said smirking at Liam nodding.

"I don't." Tracey replied scoffing and I rose my eyebrow at her making her shut up.

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