Blood line

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I groaned waking up and sat up quickly. "Whoa. Easy." A voice warned reassuringly and I looked up to see Derek..

"Derek." I whispered weakly as I tried to remember what happens before realization hit me. "Derek!" I yelled widening my eyes and hugging him tightly against me. "You-We-how are we-" I started before shook his head and held my face in his hands.

"You're okay." Derek whispered rubbing one of his hands through my hair gently.

"H-How long has it been?" I asked shaking my head and looking around us to see we were in the Hale house.

"Two days.. The full moon is tonight.. It starts in two hours." He stated and I looked out the window to see sundown.

"I-The alpha." I whispered shaking my head and feeling my back but nothing.. I felt no scar or scratch or wound mark from the alphas nails digging into my back. "I thought I was dead.. I thought you were dead." I whispered putting my hand on his face and he closed his eyes holding his hand over mine.

"He'll pay for this." Derek said angrily but I put my other hand on his cheek and held his face.

"He was already going to pay.. Are they alive?? Stiles a-and Scott? We need to find Scott." I whispered worriedly and he slowly sighed before I tilted my head at him.

"They're fine.. Scott might be in a rough place considering Allison broke up with him.. She was the one controlling his anger so he didn't shift.. Now that he doesn't have that hold-" Derek started and I quickly got up to see that I was in my underwear and bra and I rose my eyebrow at Derek.

"Did you undress me?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him confused.

"You needed to heal skin on skin. Clothing would've infected it.. Plus it's nothing I haven't seen before." He replied emotionless and I rolled my eyes at him as I dug through my clothes finding my black pants, tank top and leather jacket. I grabbed socks before I also grabbed my boots.

"If Scott is turning into a ruthless wolf and probably going to kill either Allison, himself or someone else-we need to be there." I stated and he stood up. "One thing-" I said holding my finger up at him. "You're not hiding anything from me, right?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him carefully. "Not like you did when you left to find the alpha and also when you knew that Allison was an Argent." I stated crossing my arms over my chest.

"Nothing. I promise, Amelia." Derek nodded and I sighed in relief.

"Well, let's find ourselves a wolf then." I said and walked towards the stairs.

-Time Skip-

I rose my eyebrow shaking my head as we stood outside the parking lot of Beacon Hills High school. "Why would Scott be at the school?" I asked sighing in frustration.

"Well.." Derek said and I rose my eyebrow at where he was looking to see Allison. In a car.. With Jackson. Face to face.

"What the-" I started before Derek put a hand over my mouth as Scott came into view on the sidewalk across from us as he crept behind some cars. I widened my eyes and saw that he was shifted. "Derek he's going to expose us!" I said angrily before in a matter of seconds Scott ran towards the car and jumped on the roof. I widened my eyes before I saw Derek run full speed towards him and push him off. Derek and Scott fumbled deeply into the woods and I quickly followed. I saw Derek shift and I quickly ran after him as he chased Scott. Once I saw them both clearly, they were both shifted and snarling at each other. Scott was ruthless. He kept lunging at Derek but Derek kept dodging him.

"Stop! Stop!" Derek yelled angrily at Scott and I groaned in annoyance kneeling on the ground as I watched them. Scott fell onto a tree and growled. He sprung at Derek who flung Scott over himself and I watched Scott fall on his back as Derek pushed himself off of the ground with his hands and landed on his feet. Scott ran towards Derek again trying to hit him but he kept missing. Derek quickly took the time to kick Scott in the back and he fell over. Derek grabbed Scott from the ground and lifted him over his head before letting him fall again and growled in his face so loudly Scott jumped and crawled away from him. I stood from the ground walking towards Scott slowly as did Derek. When I stood in front of Scott, he was still shifted while Derek was not, Scott slowly looked down at his claws and looked back up at us.

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