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I groaned waking up as I heard my phone vibrating on the side table next to me. I turned over to see Scott's face pop up on my screen and I rose my eyebrow sitting up. "What's wrong?" I asked answering it worriedly.

"It's Stiles. Just get to my house as soon as you can." He warned before hanging up and I looked beside me to see Derek's side of the bed empty and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Scott?" I asked as I jumped through his window as he walked out of his bathroom. He nodded in acknowledgment at me as Issac came in gesturing us all downstairs and we followed as Scott's phone rang and he put it on speaker.

"Hey, Stiles?" Scott asked with a heavy and worried breath.

"Did you call him? Did you call my dad?" Stiles asked whispering as I heard his voice whimpering slightly.

"No, just Issac and Amelia. We're coming to find you." Scott reassured back nodding as he did. "Can you figure out where you are? Try to find something that tells us where to look." Scott added worriedly.

"It's a basement. I-I thinks I'm in some kind of basement." Stiles whispered back and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"In a house?" I asked tilting my head at him.

"No-No, it's much bigger. It looks like industrial. I think there's a furnace b-but it's cold. It's freezing down here. I gotta turn-I gotta turn the phone off. It's gone die." Stiles warned and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Wait, wait, wait-Stiles, what else is there? What do you see?" Scott asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"The phone's dying, I can't talk, Scott. I have to go." Stiles replied in a faint whisper. "Please.." He added as I heard him silently crying.

"Stiles, why are you whispering?" Scott asked confused as we stopped walking towards the front door and heard Stiles take a deep breath, slowly pushing it out.

"Because I think there's someone in here with me.." Stiles whispered and I widened my eyes.

We all ran into Stiles' room to see Lydia and Aiden looking around before they turned towards us confused. "How did you know, did he call you too?" Scott asked looking at them with the same face.

"I heard it." Lydia pointed out emotionless and I rose my eyebrow as Aiden looked at her before back at us.

"Don't ask." Aiden sighed shaking his head. "It gets more confusing when you ask." He added looking between all of us.

"Okay.. Not as confusing as this." Lydia countered turning and gesturing at a pair of scissors that was jammed in the middle of Stiles' bed as red strings, a lot of red strings were tied to it and put throughout his entire room sticking to pictures of places. "He's uses red for unsolved cases." Lydia added looking back at us.

"Maybe he thinks he's part of an unsolved case?" Aiden asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Or is an unsolved case." Issac added and I slowly sighed in concern as I looked back at the red yarn.

"Hold on. Is he still out there?" Lydia asked looking between Scott and I. "You don't know where he is?" She added scoffing.

"He said he was in an industrial basement somewhere." I pointed out, shaking my head.

"We came here to get a better scent." Scott nodded looking around the room slowly.

"What else did he say?" Lydia asked furrowing her eyebrows.

Kill or be Killed || Teen Wolf ~ Derek Hale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now