True lies

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I groaned as I hit the wall. I angrily got up onto my feet and flared my fangs and clawed out at the beast before it growled back at ran down the hall. I rolled my eyes running quickly after it. I growled lowly at the raging pain coming from my arm and I looked down and saw three claw marks deeply running down it. I shook my head scowling before I heard screams erupt from deeper into the school. I ran faster and turned down a right hallway before I saw people run opposite from me. Why was I running towards the beast?? To save my brother and his girlfriend. Typical Amelia. Running towards trouble.
People pushed past me left and right before I furrowed my eyebrows at a heavy breathing girl who stood in front of the door the beast was bound to come through any second. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her. "Come on." I stated in annoyance as I pushed us into a classroom and shut the door quickly. I breathed heavily trying to calm my breath as I felt blood and sweat drip from my forehead also. I heard the girls breath hitch in her throat as she stared at the door and I furrowed my eyebrows. I slowly turned my head and peered out the small window in the door before I quickly turned back and placed myself firmly against the door and I felt the beast trying to break in and I widened my eyes. "Go! Go out the window!?" I yelled at the girl as she slightly whimpered at me. She ran towards the window and opened it before looking back at me and I groaned as I felt the beast try to break into the door harder as I pushed against it with all my might. "Go!?" I screamed before the girl quickly jumped out of the window landing safely on the ground. I winced at the pain my arm had as I pushed against the door before the beast howled loudly and slammed into the door making the glass from above the door frame shatter and I quickly covered my head as the glass fell to the floor and on me. I slowly winced before I growled and snarled in pain as I felt the Beast's claws plunge into my shoulder as its hand went through the glass window before it pulled the door from its hinges along with me. I growled as the beast snagged his claws from my skin and I quickly got up from the floor and ducked under the Beast's arms as it tried to claw at me but I ran away from it. I furrowed my eyebrows down at the shoulder as it tried to heal and I growled under my breath as I made my way into the library and shut the doors quickly from behind me. I slowly sighed as I slowly back away from the door before I saw movement from the corner of my eye and I quickly turned and furrowed my eyebrows at the students.. I slowly looked around the library at heads popping out from behind bookshelves, under tables, hiding behind book carts.. The beast roared and I glued my eyes back to the door before I gestured upstairs and all of the students looked at me confused. "Go upstairs!" I whispered and yelled at once before they all moved quickly up the steps and I growled positioning myself looking at the door. Waiting for whatever came through. I heard heavy footsteps on the floor and I clenched my fists as a heavy breath was heard from outside the doors until they were opened revealing the beast and I glared at him. He roared angrily at me and I roared angrily back shifting into my eyes and extending my claws again. The beast came towards me and I growled running towards him before he hit me and I flew back into a table and groaned spitting up blood as I hit the floor and I could hear some students start whimpering and whisper. The beast's feet were hard and heavy against the floor and it sounded like thunder as they pounded into my ears. I groaned in pain again as the beast grabbed my arm and flung me over him and into a table. I hit the floor hard as I heard some of my bones crack. I shook myself off and slowly turned and put my hands under me as I pushed myself off of the floor and the beast walked towards me cracking it's neck and I scoffed spitting out blood. "I'm still here." I said smirking before the beast growled at me and I growled. I jumped forward before the beast hit my chest and I was flung on the steps. I groaned and coughed some more before I slowly turned and saw the beast walking towards me on all fours before it slowly got up on two legs and stood towering over me and I growled showing my fangs before I widened my eyes and saw Liam jump up behind the beast and I moved out of the way as Liam punched the beast in the face as hard as he possibly could. I furrowed my eyebrows as Scott bounded towards me and grabbed me pushing himself over me before I heard shots fire and through Scott's arm I saw Braeden and Malia at the doors as Malia growled and Braeden held her shot gun she knew all too well. I sighed in relief before I heard the beast roar loudly and flung itself out of the library window and its large footsteps descended away. I groaned in pain as Scott slowly stood and helped me up as did Malia and Liam.

"You didn't seriously think you had a chance against that thing, did you?" Braeden asked furrowing her eyebrows at me and I breathed heavily scoffing.

"No.." I admitted as Scott flicked me upside the head and I growled lowly at him. "But I got its scent." I stated and looked out the window smirking as I saw the moon. "I have to go." I stated shaking my head and walking, well, limping away from them. I groaned opening the door before Liam and Scott came from behind me.

"Amelia, you're hurt." Scott stated in annoyance but I ignored him as I peered outside.

"Amelia, slow down." Liam added and I slowly sighed ignoring them again and running slowly towards the parking lot. I put my hand over the trunks of cars as I looked at them and walked quickly passed them before I furrowed my eyebrows stopping at a black one and nodding. I gestured towards Scott who furrowed his eyebrows before he growled lifting the truck with all of his might and exhaled as it opened and the three of us peered inside. Scott slowly grabbed a sneaker and I shook my head as we looked at the sole to see blood and I nodded.

"Size ten with blood on the sole." I stated before Scott closed the trunk and Mason stood beside it and I furrowed my eyebrows at his face.

"Scott? Amelia? Liam..." Mason said confused and looking between the three of us. "What are you doing to my car?" Mason asked and I tilted my head narrowing my eyes and looking at Scott and Liam who slowly shook their heads.

"It's you." I whispered emotionless and Mason furrowed his eyebrows confused.

"What?" Mason asked snapping at us before looking at Liam for back up. "Liam, what's she talking about?" Mason added shaking his head but Liam didn't look at him.. He just looked down and slowly shook his head. "Liam?" Mason asked taking a step forward as Liam turned to me and I slowly sighed before Corey un-camouflaged himself as he stood next to a car before putting his hands on Mason's shoulders.

"Corey, wait!?" I started before Corey camouflaged him and Mason and I widened my eyes. "No, Corey!?" I yelled angrily and ran towards where he just was only to see and feel nothing and I looked back at Scott shaking my head.

Kill or be Killed || Teen Wolf ~ Derek Hale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now