The Dark Moon

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I gasped, sitting up and frantically sweating as I looked around at my surroundings to see that I was in Scott's room.. I looked down at and pulled my black tank top before I lifted up my shirt and furrowed my eyebrows.. My skin was smooth and healed.. All that was left was a scar. I furrowed my eyebrows as footsteps came in and I looked up to see Scott, Stiles and Issac. "Scott?" I asked looking at him confused and he took a deep breath. I watched as he shifted into his eyes and I slowly shook my head at his yellow orbs shined back at me.

"I couldn't let you die." Scott stated emotionlessly and I slowly nodded before he cane towards me and hugged me tightly. I heard footsteps come down the hall before Malia came into the room as Scott and I pulled away.

"This is the alpha?" Malia asked skeptically towards me and I rose my eyebrow at her.

"Yeah. This is she. This is the new beta?" I asked narrowing my eyes at her and Scott slowly nodded. "Amelia." I added introducing myself and she nodded at me about to open her mouth but I stopped her. "I know you who are." I pointed out and she rose an eyebrow at me. "So what have I missed?" I asked looking between Scott, Stiles and Issac as they awkwardly stood before me.

"A lot. You were out for almost a week, Ame." Issac countered and I furrowed my eyebrows at him before he nodded awkwardly, becoming quiet as he turned to Stiles.

"Right.. Well, the twins left. Went somewhere in Neverland, I think. We're all still trying to get over Allison so we're taking on a distraction." Stiles shrugged and I rose my eyebrow as he gestured to Malia.

"Great way to tell her she was technically a road block for missing out dead friend, Stiles." I stated in annoyance before I noticed that Derek among the four. "Where is he?" I asked looking at Scott and he cleared his throat slowly, making me raise my eyebrow.

"We were hoping you could tell us that." Scott stated unsure and I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "We haven't seen Derek in days. He's not at his apartment, he's not running around in the woods, even. When we went to the loft, we found these." Scott added and I looked down at his hands before I grabbed the tin he held towards me, opening it to see bullet casings with a day of the dead skull on it and I felt a growl erupt in the pit of my stomach. "I sent a picture to Deaton, he said it's a mark based off of a family of Hunter's in Mexico. The Calaveras." Scott added as I looked down at the casing in my hand.

"What would they want with Derek?" Stiles asked raising an eyebrow at me as he folded his arms over his chest. "You don't think they killed him, do you?" He added worriedly and I eyed the casings carefully.

"I don't know." I whispered, not looking up at him. "Call Lydia." I warned, sighing deeply

I rose my eyebrow as Lydia took a handful of bullet casings in her hand before she let them drop onto the counter, closing her eyes before she opened, looking away quickly. "What, Lydia?" I asked as I saw her flinch. "Is he dead?" I asked emotionless, crossing my arms over my chest.

"No." She replied and I furrowed my eyebrows. "But I'm not sure he's alive either." She added and I sighed in defeat.

"What does that mean?" Scott asked in annoyance.

"I don't know.." Lydia countered, shaking her head. "There's something not right-I just-I don't know." Lydia added sighing and turning towards me.

"So if the Calaveras have him, how do we find them?" Stiles asked raising his eyebrow at me before I held up a casing in my hand.

Kill or be Killed || Teen Wolf ~ Derek Hale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now