Coming back to Life

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I forgot it was Thursday yesterday


I raised my arm towards the light and figure as he walked closer. "When I kissed you." I whispered at the light. "When I kissed you, Stiles." I said again louder shaking my head at the light as Stiles was trying to push through the light to get through to us. "Come on, Stiles! Don't stop!" I yelled encouragingly towards the light. "Don't stop, I can see you, Stiles. Don't stop!" I yelled before the big light disappeared.. Revealing the end of the tunnel but no Stiles.. "Stiles?" I whispered unsure but there was no one standing there.. I slowly put my arm down as my eyes glazed over more.

"Lydia.." Amelia whispered looking at me from behind in a saddened and emotional state.

"Where is he?" I asked emotionless as I still stared down the tunnel. "It was working." I stated turning towards Scott, Malia and Amelia before they all looked at each other confused and I stared blankly at them. "You saw him, right?" I asked shaking my head and Amelia cleared her throat and folded her arms over her chest.

"We didn't see anyone." Malia replied shaking her head and I looked back down the tunnel.

"No." I whispered shaking my head. "He was here.. I know it." I stated slowly nodding. "Stiles was here." I added as a small smile formed on my face.


We helped Lydia back into the bunker as she was too shook up to even walk or stand on her own. Scott grabbed the door and was about to close it before Liam put his hand on the door, stopping him. "Liam." Scott exclaimed shocked at he looked at his beta.

"There's something you need to see." Liam stated emotionless and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You're still here." I said confused and he nodded at me.

"But everyone else is gone." Liam replied and I looked at Scott before back at Liam. "All of them, they're all gone. You have to come with me." Liam added and Scott furrowed his eyebrows.

"What is it?" Scott asked confused and Liam looked over at me.

"I can't explain it. I-I have to show you." Liam stated and Scott looked back at me before I sighed looking at Malia and Lydia.

"You guys stay here." I warned and Malia furrowed her eyebrows.

"In case Stiles comes back?" Malia asked and I sighed looking at Lydia who was still shaken up.

"If there's any hope, you just need to keep trying." I stated looking at Lydia but she didn't look at me. She stared at the floor. I looked behind me at Scott and Liam before the three of us ran out of the bunker and I secured the door behind us.

Liam brought Scott and I to the hospital and when we walked in the main lobby, I saw train tracks going through the hallways as well as a train schedule of all of the towns on the wall above the front desk and I furrowed my eyebrows. "This is happening everywhere?" Scott asked eyeing the scene.

"Here, the school, lacrosse field." Liam replied as we slowly walked on the tracks down the hall and I shook my head confused.

"What the hell does this mean?" I asked not in the mood for anymore shit from the Riders.

"It means-" A voice stated and we all turned further down the hall in front of us to see Douglas standing on the tracks also. "-it's working." He finished and plastered a disgusting smirk on his face. Douglas shifted into his werewolf form as did Liam, Scott and I before we growled at each other angrily.

"He can't take the three of us?" Liam asked and I lowly growled.

"No way." I replied narrowing my eyes at Douglas.

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