Chapter 18: Neon Love (II)

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Normani's POV

"Mani.?" I hear someone ask behind me. I hum in response walking over to put the towel I just washed back in the closet. "Normani."

"Yes Lauren." I say recognizing the voice.

"I'm sorry." She simply says, and I swear to the gods of the highest I had whiplash.

"What.?" I ask, thinking I heard her incorrectly.

"I'm sorry." She repeats.

"Did you really just apologize to me.?" I ask shocked, seeing as how she never apologizes for anything.

"Yeah. I did." Lauren says. Before I realize it, I'm crying and her arms are around me.

"Lauren. You didn't have to." I say still crying and pulling away from the hug once I regain my composure.

"Well, I just thought I'd apologize while I thought about it, and not have someone throw it in my face months or years down the road that I didn't apologize to you guys." Lauren replies.

Vanessa's POV

I get a call from Tinashe.

"Hello.?" I ask.

"Hey." She whispers in reply.

"Are you at that thing's house.?" Lauren asks.

"Yeah. Meghan's here too." Tinashe says, her tone not changing.

"Wait, are they next to you, or in another room.?" Dinah asks.

"They're in another room. And yeah, they're all here." Tinashe says. I could feel the tension coming from Normani. Camila looks at me, knowing that if I just touch her thigh, she'll calm down. So I do, noticing that I'm not in Dinah's line of view, and I feel her muscles relax. Lauren raises an eyebrow, wondering why my hand is there. Ally mouths the words "it calms her down." Lauren's mouth forms into a shocked "O" shape, while saying "oh" at the same time.

"Oh." Dinah says.

"Is there a way you could hear what they're saying, without them knowing I'm talking to you." Tinashe says.

"Oh yeah that's Lauren's field of expertise. Stalking." Ally laughs and we laugh. She laughs too.

"Yeah just give me your phone's pass code." Lauren laughs on the first sentence.

"Ummm." Tinashe laughs.

"We won't go through it. Except for those people's conversations." Lauren says.

"Will you forget it.?" Tinashe asks.

"I know who won't. Munchkin." Camila laughs causing us to laugh.

"Really.? Okay." Tinashe laughs, giving it to us.

"Yes.! She knows even the smallest things that distinguish us from one another." Lauren says.

"She remembers the license plates and the time she met us down to the second." Ally laughs.

"Damn. That sure is accurate." Tinashe laughs.

"Well look at that, I'm in." Lauren says playing with her flash.

"Now I'm scared. Okay, I think I should go now." Tinashe says.

"Just put your phone down." Lauren says.

"Okay. Bye.!" Tinashe says.

"Bye.!" We all say. Lauren puts our end on mute.

-Audio, in italics-

"Who were you talking to.?" Iggy asks.

"No one." Tinashe says.

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