Fazbear!Morro X Night Guard!Reader

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(In case you don't know, I have a fanfic titled "Five Nights At Morro's" that this kinda goes along with.)

You stood there, about to open the doors to NinjaGo's Museum of History.  You were nervous about your first night on the job. It was midnight. Let the fun begin.

"Uhhh....hello? Hello? Uh, I wanted to record a message for you, to help you out on your first night..."

And so Lloyd went on and on, about how he worked as Night Guard before you, and how you had to watch over the animatronics of ghosts. More particularly, the ghosts that the ninja fought during the Preeminent War, or whatever it's called. By the time he had hung up, you finally decided to check the cameras.

There they were. Ghoultar, Bansha, and Morro. You remember Lloyd mentioning the fact that Morro didn't generally make his approach until the third night. You checked a camera labeled "1C - ARCHER'S COVE". Does that mean that Soul Archer is here too? You looked, and there he was, death-glaring you. His piercing white pupils shone through his empty black eyes. He had a hook for a hand, and an eyepatch, as well as fox ears and a tail.

You checked back at the Stage where Morro, Ghoultar, and Bansha await. Ghoultar had purple rabbit ears, Bansha had a bib that said "Let's Eat!", and Morro...was gone!

You heard a deep laughter, emanating from your right. You looked in all of the cameras AND the blind spots in the doorway. He wasn't there...

What happened next happened in a half of a second. Morro, with brown bear ears and a black top hat and bow tie, jumped up in front of you, and screamed in your face loudly. Your natural reflexes kicked in, and you punched him in the face.

"Ow!!" He cried out. "What the hell was that?!"

"What were YOU doing, trying to give me a heart attack?!

"My stupid voice box is a little messed up, thank you very much."

Before you could reply, Soul Archer came crashing through the doorway.


"Soul Archer, I got this," Morro said.

Soul Archer looked at Morro, disappointed. "Yarr...ye'll pay the next time ye ferget yer duty, landlubber." And with that, he walked off.

"Stop talking like a pirate!" Morro called after him.

"I just wanna be in character!" Soul Archer yelled back, in a normal accent.

Morro rolled his eyes. "Moron..."


Morro rolled his eyes again. You giggled. The clock then struck 6 AM.

"Welp, gotta go!" Morro said. He quickly kissed your cheek. "Bye!" he said as he left through the door. "Until tomorrow night!" he called after you as you left the establishment.

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