Warmth | Soul Archer X Wrayth

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Over 50% of this book is ChainedBow. I regret nothing.

Soul Archer's POV

Warmth is something you can feel in more than a single way. You could feel physically warm from the glow of a flame or a hot summer day, or you can feel warm emotionally, you know, when you feel "all fuzzy inside." Or at least that's what Wrayth calls it.

But when Wrayth and I are in any sort of embrace is when I feel truly warm inside. Maybe it's when he hugs me tightly and lets me know I'm not alone in this world that makes me feel warm, or maybe it's his laugh or when he struggles to stand up tall and kiss me thanks to the height difference. Whatever it is, I know one thing: Wrayth makes me feel warmth.

Wrayth's POV

Soul Archer is the one person in this entire universe that makes me feel all fuzzy inside. I feel warmth when he laughs, which is such a rare event in itself. I also feel warm when he hugs me, or when I hug him. Even I slight touch of the hand gives me butterflies. But it's when our lips meet that I truly feel what one can only describe as warmth.

But the feeling is even stronger when I hear the words, "I love you."

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