That's News | Soul Archer X Trans!Wrayth

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Wrayth is a transboy in this (a guy with lady parts)

Wrayth's POV

I knew it would happen eventually. I saw it coming for days, prepared myself, and yet I still freaked out when the test was positive.

I was overjoyed, but also terrified. How the hell was I going to tell Archer?

Oh, and Morro. He'll have a heart attack.

But Archer is the first person I need to tell. He's the father.


I sat next to Soul Archer on his bed. "Archer, I need to tell you something... Important."

"Go on," he said.

"You know how we've been having sex a lot these past couple of days?"

"You're pregnant, aren't you?"

"Jesus Christ, that was fast."

"I knew it from when you threw up this morning."

"Yeah... That makes sense..."

"I'm honestly just really scared of what Morro's gonna say."

"Heh... You're gonna be a dad, Soul."

"As urgent and enormous as an event like this is, that sentence just made it so much more important."


"No, don't be. I'm just shocked that I'm going to be a father."

"You don't seem shocked."

"I was when you threw up this morning. That's why I asked Bansha to go pick up a test," he explained. "I'm the one who left it in your room."

"I figured that, but... Bansha knows?"


I got up and said, "Let's go give Morro a heart attack."


"Hey, Morro, and Ghoultar while we're at it, you have a minute?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, what do you need?" Morro asked.

I took a deep breath. Soul Archer stood beside me reassuringly. "I'm pregnant."

"Well, that's news," Ghoultar said with a laugh. "Congratulations!"

Morro, on the other hand, raised his eyebrows, opened his eyes wide, and his jaw dropped. He was legitimately shocked. "WHAT?!"



"Morro, calm down—" Ghoultar began.

"I need a minute. Or twenty." Morro then left the room.

"He'll be fine," Archer said. "...Probably."

"Heh. You know Morro, he'll calm down eventually," Ghoultar said.

"Right. 'Eventually.'"

Then we heard from the other room, "I'MMA BE AN UNCLE!!!"

"I think he's okay."

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