Hugs | Ronin X Reader [A Special Chapter!]

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I wasn't planning on doing this, since he's not exactly a ghost or sky pirate, but the temptation was too strong.

Also: I have a headcanon that Ronin can be very poetic and metaphorical.

"Ronin, are you feeling okay?"

"Hm? Oh, yes."

"Are you sure?" you asked. "You've been distant lately."

"Well, it may be because the world we live in is full of complete and utter douchebags who seem not to realize that the sun sets sooner for those who cause others problems."


"Sorry, was I too metaphorical?"

"No, not really. I just don't quite get where you're going with this."

"In life, there are two kinds of people: antagonists and protagonists. The latter includes yourself and your friends as you make your way through the landscape of hardships called life, whether it be a breezy meadow or a deadly precipice waiting for you to crash and burn. The antagonists will also contribute to said crashing and burning," Ronin said. After you looked at him quizzically, he clarified, "I'm dealing with problems right now."

Ronin looked at you with a sullen gaze. His single magenta eye held a past of pain and hatred.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Nah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

Ronin looked at you for a moment. You saw his eye begin to water a bit as it fluttered closed. He took in a shaky breath. You saw a tear fall from his eye.

"Kid, I've seen some scary shit," he said shakily. "I've lost an eye and an arm. I've seen things horribly gruesome and terrible, that no one should see.

"...I can't take it."

You put your arms around him, hugging him.

For the first time in what felt like his entire life of acting like the tough guy who didn't care, Ronin cared. And he cried. You were there for him, though. And you never let go.

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