Day of the Departed Special Four - Morro X Reader

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This isn't Vampire!Morro, just so you know.

He was certainly a rather confusing young man. You never really understood him, despite how much you wanted to. He was always keeping secrets and holding grudges.

"Morro...?" you asked as you slowly entered his room that night.

You looked around the room, and saw nothing out of the ordinary at first. Then, you saw the writing.

Written in dark blue in seemingly sloppy paint on the wall to your right were the words, "LEAVE PEACE, WELCOME NIGHTMARES." It then dawned on you that the "paint" wasn't actually paint.

It was Morro's blood.

He turned around and looked at you through new eyes. His hair was a mess, and his pupils were cat-like slits of green and blue, and the rest of his eyes were pitch black. He smiled, baring his fangs, which were covered in a dark blue substance, also blood.

You looked at his outfit. He was wearing a white t-shirt and light gray sweatpants, with splotches of blue all over him. His arms were cut with what seemed to be claw marks, and all ten claws were fully unsheathed.

He smiled at you, tilting his head slightly. You were too paralyzed to move. He snaked up to you, running a claw down your face, cutting your cheek a small bit. He examined the red droplets oozing out, and licked the new wound with his forked tongue.

"Your blood tastes like... Hm..." He pondered for a moment. "Cherries. With a hint of spice. Not bad, not bad at all. Would you like to taste mine?"

"Morro... This isn't you! What are you doing?! What happened?!"

He pressed a clawed finger to your lips. He spoke in a calm voice, "Y/N, Y/N... My dear, do you know what goes on in here?" he said, pointing to his head. "Many, many things." He eyed you with his slitted pupils, devilishly.

"Morro... There's something wrong..."

"Is there, young Y/N?" he snapped. "Is there something wrong with the insanity that has consumed me for my 200 years of existence? Being locked in a realm of the dead for 185 years is surely not going to cause any damage to my being," he said very sarcastically.

You felt something sharp grab a hold of your arm, and five needle-like claws pierced your skin. He pulled them out almost as soon as he drew blood.

"Your blood is a very fine shade of red," he commented. "It shows me your determination to save me. Save me from what? My own insanity? Ha! Ha! Never will you learn," he said, lowering his voice into a growl.

He looked you in the eyes, and said words you still can't shake to this day:

"Tsk, tsk... My dear, why are you so afraid of destiny?"

Mmkay this was pretty damn dark. Oops.

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