Scars | Wrayth X Soul Archer

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Wrayth's POV

I looked in the mirror, wondering why I was cursed with these horrible scars.

My face was covered in slash marks, spots where the flesh was decaying, claw marks, bloodstains, et cetera. That's why I always kept my face covered in bandages. I was always so embarrassed about letting people see these marks.

"Wrayth, are you in there?" Soul Archer asked as he opened the door to my room.

I let out a "YIPE!" and covered my face with my hands while turning away.

"Wrayth, are you okay?" Soul Archer asked sweetly. He then noticed the bandages laying on my nightstand and asked, "Are you embarrassed to show your face?"

I giggled nervously. "You know me so well, how sweet."

"Wrayth, let me see. You can trust me."

I nervously turned around and moved my hands down to my sides. Soul Archer's mouth gaped open a little, and he caressed my face with his hands.


I, out of nervous habit, grabbed Soul Archer's hand.

"You've been through some nasty stuff, haven't you?" he said sweetly. He then leant forward and kissed my lips softly.

When he pulled away, I whimpered, "I'm hideous..."

"No you're not," he said softly. "You're really cute underneath the scars."


"Of course," he said soothingly. He caressed my face with his soft hands. It felt so much warmer without my face covered. I hugged him.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Wrayth."

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