Feathers | AU!God!Morro X Reader (Part 2) (Lemon)

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You stood in the clearing in the woods, the sky above you dotted with wispy clouds. There was someone you had intended to meet here, and he happened to be an Elemental God.

You saw him float down from the clouds, his pure white wings shimmering with a sky blue glitter in the sunlight. He landed before you.

"We meet again. Y/N, is it?"

"Yep! That's me."

Morro chuckled. "Would you like to see my residence?"


"I must warn you, it's not for those with a fear of heights."

"I'm fine with heights," you said.

"Very well." He then grabbed you by your arms and carried you off into the sky. You yelped, but soon got used to it. He dropped you off on a cloud, next to a well-hidden cottage among more clouds.

Morro opened the door to find a peculiar-looking creature. It was dark red, covered in scales, and had brownish-black horns similar to a ram, as well as a tail with a similarly colored fluff on the end. It had paws reminiscent of a cat, and it had slitted pupils as such.

The creature took one look at Morro, and vanished with a puff of black smoke.

Morro looked worried. "If Fuego was here, he was looking for something." Morro then quickly walked to his room, and you followed him. Inside his room, there was a beautifully carved, white staff with a blue gemstone in the middle of a crescent on the top end. Morro let out a sigh of relief.

"What is that?" you asked.

"That," Morro said, "is the Staff of Zephyr. My personal weapon if such violence is necessary. Among Gods, we each have a different Staff."

"And what was that little red gargoyle dragon thing?"

"That was a Dragoyle. A mix of a dragon and a gargoyle, found only in the Underworld. Even then, they're extremely rare, and not many know of their existence. Kai, the God of Fire and Demons, resides in the Underworld, and has one of them as a friend slash sidekick. His name is Fuego, and he was here, presumably to steal my Staff."

"Why would Kai want that?"

"Because if he gets my Staff, he has my power. It's an unspoken rule not to touch a God's staff unless it's your own, but Kai... He's greedy for power, and will do anything to get it. I used to be the same way, until I realized who I could be instead." Morro sighed.

You reached out to Morro, and put a hand on his shoulder. His neck was also very feathery. Hell, his whole body was covered with soft feathers. You stroked his neck, feeling the soft feathers beneath your fingers.

Morro closed his eyes. He nuzzled your hand, and you felt how soft his facial feathers were. They were small, but still fluffy.

Morro then leant forward, his forehead touching yours. You could feel his breath against your face just before your lips connected. They were soft, and lovingly kissed you before pulling away. Before either of you knew it, you were laying in bed with him hovering over you.

Your lips connected once more as your lower regions met, his pressing against yours hotly. You felt something growing in his pants, pressing against your womanhood eagerly.

You pulled his silvery robe off, leaving him in his undergarments. Well, you were right about his whole body being covered in white feathers. He stripped you of your clothes, and pulled his underwear off. His length dripped a white liquid, and the tip was blue from how hard he was (since his blood was light blue).

You felt the tip pressing against your entrance, which was also leaking. You moaned, and he pushed himself in, gently. His wings were on either side of you, and you grabbed his back for support. His tail was going back and forth from arousal.

"You can move, Morro."

Morro pushed in further, then pulled out, and pushed back in again. He started thrusting slowly, waiting for you to give him the OK to go faster. You soon did, and he sped up.

You were moaning each others' names as you soon climaxed. Morro's feathery form fell beside you, one of his wings outstretched over your naked body, for concealment and warmth. The two of you fell asleep, and you dreamed of beautiful skies and clouds, a world of an aether paradise.

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