Brother | Soul Archer X Depressed!Reader

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This is based on a little comic I'm working on.

You sat on your bed in your room, one thought going through your mind: "What did I ever do?"

"Y/N? Are you in there?"


Soul Archer opened the door and stepped into your room. He saw that you were crying and immediately sat down next to you.

"Listen, kid... I've been worried abou—"

You grabbed onto him and cried heavily into his chest. "N-no one loves me..." you choked out.

"Tell me what's wrong."

"Everyone hates me... I can't say anything without being yelled at or judged for it... Everyone just shuts me out and abuses my sensitivity..."

"Shh... Kid, listen. I promise I will do whatever it takes to get you to feel whole again. I myself have moments just like this, where I wonder what my purpose is...

"I want to tell you a story," he began. "You know the bow I carry around with me? The bow that makes me a true archer? I was given that by someone close to me. Someone who, when he passed on, moved on to a true afterlife. To heaven. He was my good friend when we were kids. I was distraught when he passed. He passed long before I did.

"I couldn't quite grasp that he was gone at first. When I finally accepted it, I was still sensitive about the matter. I couldn't think straight, my thoughts were haunted by death and destruction.

"Later on, when I was sent to the Cursed Realm, I met Wrayth. He and I were inseparable from there.

"The point is, you need someone in life, or afterlife, to watch over you. I am willing to do that."

"S-Soul Archer...?" you asked shyly.


"W-would you mind if... I called you my brother?"

"Call me... Brother? Well, of course. Call me whatever you want, as long as it makes you happy."

"You're like the brother I never had."

"You're the sister I never had. I will fix you, sister."

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