Foxy!Soul Archer X Night Guard!Reader

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You knew this night was gonna go horribly wrong. You just didn't know it was gonna be this bad.

It was kinda the same deal every time though: left door light, right door light, check Archer's Cove, rinse and repeat.

You decided to check on Archer's Cove again, and to your surprise, the sign that normally says, "Sorry! - Out of order." now said "IT'S ME" in letters styled lie dripping blood, despite being written in black. You then looked up and realized that no one was there.

Trying not to panic, you looked at camera 2A to see if anyone was there, and that's when you saw Soul Archer sprinting down the hallway, giving you zero time to react.

"YA-HARR!!!" he screeched as he jumped through the door.

"Enough with the pirate voice!" you heard another voice yell from another room, presumably Morro.

"Can you PLEASE stop ruining my fun?!" Soul Archer yelled back, this time in his usual accent. "God. He is such a pain."

You giggled and nodded in agreement. "So... Isn't this the part where you kill me?"

"Hm? What? No, of course I could not possibly!" he said.

"I'm... Not quite sure I follow."

"Well, you seem like a nice girl," he said, stepping closer to you. "And we wouldn't want anything bad to happen to someone with your... Intellect." He then smirked and kissed your cheek.

You blushed. "I—"

The clock struck 6AM, and your shift was over. "I'll see you tomorrow night then," you said.

"Aye, I'll be seeing you tomorrow as well," Archer said in his pirate voice. You giggled. "See ya, lass!"

"Bye!" You then left the building.

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