The Lake | Wrayth X Suicidal!Soul Archer

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Wrayth's POV

I walked through the woods as quietly as I was able to, trying to find Soul Archer. I knew he was in here somewhere, and I was worried. I had found a note on his bed saying he would be here if I wanted to see him, so I naturally decided to follow him out here.

I heard the familiar sound of the lake as I walked by. I looked across to the other side to see Soul Archer sitting on the edge of a small cliff hanging a few feet above the lake's surface. I shifted my legs into a ghostly tail and flew to his side before sitting beside him.

"Soul Archer, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Wrayth."

"No you're not. Why are you out here? And why are you so close to the lake? I don't want you to accidentally slip and fall in or something..."

"I wouldn't mind falling in."

"What? Soul Archer, that would kill you!"

"I know."

There was a small silence before I asked, "...Is everything okay?"


"You're lying."

Soul Archer remained silent.

"Are you...thinking about...?"

"Death? Yes. Suicide? Yes."

"Won't you just come back though...? I mean, we are ghosts..."

"Wrayth, the Preeminent is gone. If we die, we die. We'll probably be able to finally have the afterlife we deserve."

"I couldn't stand it if you left..."

"Wrayth... You were the one thing in this world that keeps me from ending myself."


"Because," he said, "I love you. And you love me. You're the only person who truly does."

I rested my head on his shoulder, watching as the moon's reflection sparkled on the surface of the water. "Don't go..."

"I won't. I may want to, but I couldn't do that to you."

"Don't want to. Stay with me for the rest of our afterlives."

"I will."

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