Green Blood | Vampire!Morro X Lloyd

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Lloyd's POV

I sat in my room, reading a book while the other Ninja were on a mission. They had to leave me behind to watch the Bounty. Ugh.

It was a particularly quiet, crystal clear night. There was a full moon shining above a sky of glittering stars. I put down my book to gaze at the night sky.

"Breathtaking, isn't it?" an all too familiar voice said behind me.

I turned around to see an old enemy.

"Of course it's you," I spat.

"Rude to treat a guest that way, Greenie."

"Morro, what do you want?"

"Well, it's a full moon out tonight and I, being a vampire, am out for blood."

I rolled my eyes. I knew where this was going.

"You want to drink my blood?"

"Why not? You are the Green Ninja. The chosen one. I've always wondered what your blood tastes like."

"Well, keep dreaming."

Morro stepped closer, his fangs bared. He moved forward and whispered, "I've been dreaming for far too long, Greenie."

"Fine. If you drink my blood, will you leave me alone?"

"You have my promise."

"Fine," I said.

Morro leaned towards my neck, and said, "This may pinch a little," before biting down on my neck.

"Ow!" I yelped. "Do you have to bite on my neck?"

Morro continued to drink from me for about a minute. I felt a little drowsy after he released me. I nearly flinched at the sight of my blood lining his fangs.

"Yes. The neck's skin is softer and easier to penetrate."

"Of course it is."

Morro grinned, showing off his fangs one more time before transforming into a bat. "Until next time, Greenie." He then flew out my open window. Maybe that's how he got in here in the first place...

"Dammit, Lloyd. Note to self; close the window at night."

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