Wrayth X Soul Archer

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(I call this ChainedBow shipping.)

Wrayth's POV

Ugh. Valentine's Day. I have to say, I hate it. Just another reminder that I have no one to be with, no one to truly call my 'lover'.

Even if I do have a crush on...well...

Okay, I'm gonna have to explain this, aren't I? I'm Wrayth, as you know, I'm that ghost with a chain whip. There's something that not one of my friends knows about me, and I'm even hesitant to tell you about it.

I'm bisexual.

It sounds weird, I know, but it's true. And that, you could say, is where our story begins.

I have a crush on the most handsome, amazing, sexy, talented, and overall gorgeous ghost I've ever met. No, you silly, not Morro, I'm talking about Soul Archer!

Soul Archer is amazing. He really is. He can shoot an arrow at anything and always hit his target, even without aiming.

Even my heart.

The thing is, I'd never DARE tell the others about this. None of them understand. Morro would make fun of me, Ghoultar and Emma would kill me since Soul Archer's their older brother, and heck, Bansha wouldn't leave me alone about it. Plus, Soul Archer would even hate me, since I know for a fact that HE'S straight.

Why must things be so difficult?

Here's the thing: it's Valentine's Day. I want to do something special for Soul Archer, even if it goes by as anonymous (but that's a last resort). Of course, it's also Ghoultar's birthday, so he'll probably be focusing more on that, since he doesn't have a girlfriend (or boyfriend). Emma on the other hand, will be being all love-love with Morro. I get jealous sometimes of how perfect they are, same with Ghoultar and Bansha. From what I've heard, both couples are going on a date today, so Soul Archer will finally be alone, and I'll be able to finally talk to him...

Or chicken out like I always do.


"Ugh. I'm bored," Soul Archer growled.

"Yeah..." I said quietly.

"Wrayth? Are you okay? You seem a bit...distant," he said.

Oh dear mother of Arceus.

"I-I was just wondering, if you ever think about love."

"Do you?"

"Sometimes. What even is love?"

"Love," Soul Archer began, "is an abstract concept that the human mind can simply not explain. Love does not have a definition, no matter what we give it. Love is something everyone desires, but not everyone can achieve. Life is a game made for everyone, and love is the prize."

His words were very poetic...

"Wow..." I whispered. "That was..."

"I know, I know, a little too smart for some people—"

"No, no! I get it, I do."

After a moment's pause, he asked me, "Do you have a crush on anyone?"


"Do not lie."

That's the thing about Soul Archer. He never lies. He took this oath of honesty after the Preeminent was killed. He also has a way of sensing whether or not someone else is lying.

But it's always worth a shot.

"I-I'm not lying..."

"Yes you are. Who do you like?"

"It's personal."

"Okay then. That's fine, I was just curious," he said contently.

That's it. No more hiding.

"It's you. I like you."

"I knew it," he said.

"What?! How?!" Now I was alarmed. How did he—?!

"The way you look at me, the way you talk to me, the way you act around me, it all adds up. I figured it out like two weeks ago."

"Alrighty then...what about you?"


"Who do you like?"

A red blush filled Soul Archer's face as his eyes widened. "Uh-uhh..."

"I told you who I like so I think it's fair if y—"

I was cut off by Soul Archer's lips pressed to mine. He put his arms around my waist I put mine around his neck.

I don't believe that this is happening.

It just got rougher from there. I pinned Soul Archer to the wall, and began to kiss his neck, receiving a moan off of him.

That was when the door opened.

Emma, Bansha, Morro, and Ghoultar were just getting home.

Oh dear mother of Arceus and Mewtwo.

"NOT WITH OUR BROTHER, YOU DON'T!!!" Emma and Ghoultar yelled perfectly in sync.

Why can't I ever win?

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