Flintlocke X Reader

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A/N: The fangirls have spoken! I'm adding the Sky Pirates.

It was freezing. That's all that was on your mind.

It was the midst of winter in NinjaGo, and here you were, thinking taking a walk in the Forest of Tranquility was a good idea. Especially since you somehow left your compass at home AND your phone's battery had died. The sun had set, and you had no idea what time it was, nor which direction to go.

"Whatever," you said to yourself. "I'll just keep walking until I get OUT of here."

But it wasn't quite that simple.

It was FREEZING. Literally, below 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Your light jacket didn't help you much, and you were beginning to get tired.

That was when you heard a noise that resembled an animal rustling in the bushes. Then there was silence. You turned around, curious to see what made the noise...


You dodged the bullet just in time, it almost went straight through your head. You turned in the direction of where the bullet came. Someone stepped out from behind that particular tree.

"Sorry, ma'am. Natural instinct," he said. He put his gun back in his belt.

"You almost KILLED me!!" you yelled.

"Lucky you got good reflexes," he said. "Name's Flintlocke."

He stepped a bit closer and you were able to make out his face. He had glittering sky blue eyes, pitch black hair, and a mustache. He was wearing a green scarf along with an orange coat, as well as black gloves.

"I'm Y/N," you said. At that moment, a freezing wind blew, and you shivered.

Flintlocke removed his scarf and put it around your neck, pulling it up to cover your nose. "Better?"

"Yes. Thank you," you said.

"I'm guessin' you wanna get back to your place before you freeze to death, right?"

You laughed a bit. "Yeah," you said.

"Where do you live? I can walk you back if ya like."


Flintlocke thought for a minute. "I reckon my place is closer to here than that. Come with me, and you can spend the night at my place."

"Well, I suppose it's better than freezing to death," you laughed.

Another freezing wind blew, this one more harsh. You shivered again from the cold.

That was when the unexpected happened, and took you by surprise.

Flintlocke put his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. He shyly put his arms around your waist, and you slowly put your arms around his neck. You rested your head on his chest, and felt warm all over.

"Better?" Flintlocke murmured.

"Better," you said just above a whisper.

Flintlocke gently caressed your face in his warm, gloved hands. You two were locked in a trance as you stared into each other's eyes, being drawn closer and closer. You closed your eyes as Flintlocke's lips pressed to yours.

You knew one thing; you weren't cold anymore.

By the time you both had pulled away for air, you were red in the face. Flintlocke was blushing too.

"Y/N...I kinda like you..."

You giggled at his informality. "I kinda like you too, Flintlocke."

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