3AM | Soul Archer X Wrayth

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I drew the image above earlier today and was like, "this would be a good Oneshot."

Soul Archer's POV

I groaned as I groggily pulled myself out of bed and checked the time. What in the name of the Preeminent could possibly have made that loud crash at three in the morning?

I exited my room, still barely awake, and found myself tracking the noise back to the kitchen. Wrayth was there, and get this: he was tied up in his chain, hanging upside down from the ceiling. The end of his chain was lodged into a beam in the ceiling.

We sort of stared at each other awkwardly until I finally dared to ask, "How did you even get up there? ...And why?"

Wrayth gave me a nervous smile. "I-I was... Making breakfast...?" He said slowly.

"On the ceiling at three in the morning?"

"There was... A duck in the ceiling...?"

"You were making breakfast while chasing a duck in the ceiling at three in the morning?"


"Wrayth, were you sleepwalking again?"


I sighed. "Let's get you down from there. I'll be right back," I said as I made my way upstairs to my room. I grabbed my bow and an arrow before quickly walking back to the kitchen.

"Archer, can you hurry up? I can feel my blood rushing to my brain and I think I'm gonna pass out."

"Got it," I half-acknowledged while yawning. "Just hold still." I aimed my bow at the part of the chain that was attached to the ceiling.

"Mm-kay," Wrayth said. Then he realized what I was about to do. "WAIT—!"

I shot the arrow, broke the chain, and Wrayth fell face-first into the floor. He shook the chain off of himself, got up, and said, "It's a good thing I'm a ghost because that would've hurt really badly if I wasn't— MOTHER OF GOD." He then got a pretty strong head rush and almost fell over. I caught him, luckily.

"I'm going back to bed. You should, too."


"What?" I asked.

"That wasn't me," Wrayth said.

We heard another "Quack."

"Huh," Wrayth said. "There really is a duck in the ceiling."

"That is weird... Whatever. I'll deal with it in the morning."


Wrayth and I went back to bed after that.

Morro's POV

This app is amazing. All I have to do is push a button, then—


Heheh. Hopefully I can get down from here, though...

And don't ask why I'm in the ceiling.

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