Secrets | Soul Archer X Wrayth (And The Others)

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3rd Person POV

Soul Archer walked into the living room, to be greeted by his friends, Morro, Bansha, and Ghoultar, as well as Wrayth, his boyfriend.

"Good morning," Archer said with a yawn.

"Slept in, eh?" Morro asked.

"I tried not to," Archer replied, "but I was up late last night."

"Did you finally finish that book you were reading?" Morro inquired.

"Yep. Plan to check the sequel out of the library today, actually."

"Cool. Sit down, we were just talking about something important, and we want everyone to be a part of the conversation," Bansha said.

"Okay," Archer responded. "What are you talking about?"

"Sexuality," Ghoultar responded.

Soul Archer froze, his heartbeat accelerating.

"I mean, it pisses me off sometimes," Wrayth said. "Just because I'm bisexual doesn't make me a bad person. I hate people that judge me for that."

"Me too," Morro agreed. "Some people are embarrassed about their sexuality, like how Wrayth was at first."

Wrayth nodded in agreement.

"I personally hate people who make fun of others for their sexuality," Bansha stated. "I mean, you are who you are, and that's perfectly okay."

Soul Archer remained silent.

Ghoultar then asked, "Soul Archer, what are your opinions?"

Soul Archer took a deep breath. "People who aren't straight have a good reason not to tell anyone."

"But they still should, especially to their friends."

Soul Archer bit his lip.

"I know that look," Wrayth said. Wrayth walked up to Archer and said, "Is there a secret you're hiding?"

"No," Archer lied.

"I can tell that something's bothering you. Tell me."

"I...I'm scared."

"Why? You know we wouldn't hurt you. We'll support you through anything," Morro said.

"I-I..." Soul Archer stuttered.

"Go ahead, your secret is safe with us," Bansha said.

"I haven't been completely honest with you guys..." Archer said. "I-I...I'm n-not s-straight..."

"Yeah, your bisexual, right?" Ghoultar asked with a caring tone in his voice.

"I-I..." Soul Archer took a deep breath, and bit his lip.

"I'm gay."

Wrayth pulled him into a hug. "It's okay. There's nothing wrong with that."

Archer hugged back. "R-really...?"

"Absolutely," Morro said softly. "You shouldn't hide who you are, especially not from us."

"We all care about you," Bansha assured. "It's alright to like whatever and whoever you choose."

"Thank you guys," Soul Archer said, with tears in his eyes. "I love you all. You guys are the best family ever."

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