Hurt And Hate | Morro X Suicidal!Reader

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You sat in your room, staring at the ceiling with tears rimming your eyes. Your friends wouldn't stop abusing your sensitivity, and you overall felt unloved by everyone. You let out a shaky sigh, wishing it was all over soon.

You thought about the one person who made everything feel okay. Morro. He knew how sensitive you were and would always be on your side, unlike your other friends.

"Y/N? Are you in there?" you heard followed by a knock at your door.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm here." You mentally cursed yourself for stuttering.

Morro opened the door and saw you in your broken state, and immediately sat down next to you and held you close.

"What happened?" he asked in a soft, soothing voice.

"Everyone hates me, that's what."

"I don't hate you, Y/N. I love you. Words cannot describe how perfect and how smart you really are."

"That's not what (friend) and (other friend) think."

"What did they do?"

"They make me feel horrible about myself. They make me want to kill myself."

"Shh..." Morro hushed. "You should never hurt yourself. Look at me, for instance. I was denied the chance at being the Green Ninja. I was told I wasn't special. But I kept on trying. I kept going."

You cried into his arms.

"The hurt and hate won't get to you if you're with me, I promise that," he said.

"Morro," you said, "why do you love me? I'm too sensitive, especially for someone like you."

"It's because when I put my hand right here," Morro said, placing his hand over your chest, "I feel a heartbeat that has been shattered too many times. Shard by shard, I will put the pieces back where they belong until you are whole again."

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