Sarcasm | Soul Archer X Wrayth

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Wrayth's POV

"I'm not very good at sarcasm," Soul Archer said.

"It's easy. Just tell me something, and I'll make a sarcastic comment from it."

Soul Archer then whispered into my ear, "My cock is 7.5 inches long."

I giggled pervertedly, now thinking about sex. Great. Way to go, Archer.

"Oh yes, Archer. Please do show me this whopping dick of yours."

"Uh, okay—"

"No! That was sarcasm!"

"So you don't wanna see it?"

"I already have seen it plenty of times."

"Heh. Okay, so if you said to me—"

"Apples are red."

"I could say, 'I know they are.' Is that right?"

"Nah, you could say, 'No shit Sherlock,' or 'Ya don't say?'"

"I see, so sarcasm is when you say something you don't really mean but with a cocky tone in your voice?"


"Okay okay. Try again," Archer said. "This time, give me something difficult."

"I like chicken."

"So you've said many times."

"How about, 'Bananas are a fruit.'"

"Oh, really? I did not know that. You must be proud of your excellent discovery."

"You're a fast learner."

"I am indeed."

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