Communication | Doubloon X Reader

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I need to get going with these damn pirates. I've been too busy with ghost spam.

You took in a deep breath, the scent of the morning breeze relaxing you. The sky was clear, minus a few clouds. You sat underneath a tree, reading a book. You had completely relaxed when you felt a tap on your shoulder.

You turned around to find a guy around your age, but with a creepy-ass mask for a face. You yelped, and the mask rotated to change his expression from happy to sad.

"S-sorry, I guess I wasn't thinking," you said. "I'm Y/N."

You reached out to shake his hand. He did so, but said nothing.

"So, uh... How are you?"

His face changed back to happy.

"Can you talk?"

He shook his head. So he was mute...

He pointed at the book you were reading.

"Oh, this? You wanna read it?"

He nodded.

He sat down next to you and you handed the book to him.

He flipped through a few pages, and found the word 'my,' then 'name.' He continued to find letters on the page and spelled out his name: D-O-U-B-L-O-O-N.

"Your name is Doubloon?"

He nodded. He then searched through the book and spelled, "I need a friend."

"I'll be your friend," you said happily.

He then spelled out, "Thank you!"

"No problem! You can even keep the book if you'd like."

So I misspelled "nodded" to both "dooded" and "nooded."

How the hell does that even happen?!

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