Illusions | AU!God!Morro X Reader

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Art above is mine.

You felt the wind blowing harshly on your back as you walked through the meadow in the pitch blackness of night. You sighed, looking up at the stars.

You saw a black figure fly quickly by above you. You stepped back, and looked around, but saw nothing. Nothing, but a feather.

A snowy white feather, shining with different shades of sky blue as the moonlight hit it. You picked it up, and it was the softest thing you had ever felt in your life. You safely pocketed it, hoping to see its owner that had startled you. Nothing with feathers that beautiful could hurt you, right?


The next day, you were sitting under the single tree in the same meadow.

You saw the same figure as before fly by, but instead of seemingly disappearing, it landed just a few feet away. The creature stood up, and you saw millions of feathers, the same as the one you had found yesterday, covering a pair of enormous wings, as well as a feathery tail.

Apart from the wings and tail, the figure seemed human. It turned around, and you saw its face.

He had raven-black hair with a sky blue streak in it. He had a similar color blue eyes, and his face was also covered in feathers. He wore a robe of silvery-white.

"Um... E-Excuse me...?" you asked shyly.

"Why, hello there," he said. His voice was surprisingly deeper than you had anticipated, and it was kind of hot.

"I-I saw you fly by yesterday, and I found this," you said, pulling the feather out of your pocket. "I kept it, because I think it's really pretty. And it's also very soft," you added.

He stepped towards you, and examined the feather. "That's mine, alright. There's no mistaking it." He then outstretched one of his wings.

Each individual feather shimmered the same beautiful shades of light blue, and overall, it was an awe-inducing sight.

"Wow..." you breathed.

He held out a hand, also very feathery. "My name's Morro. I'm the God of Wind and Sky."

"Like... An Elemental God? The ones from the legends?"


"Whoa, I thought you guys were myths!"

"Nope. We're all here. Me, Zane, Cole, Jay... Kai." The way he said the last name was with bitterness and resent. You decided it was best not to ask.

"Can I feel your wing? I know it's weird for me to ask—"

"Go ahead," he said, outstretching his wing. You ran your hand along the soft feathers, and Morro smiled. You ran your fingers along the top of his wing, and you could've sworn you heard a small moan leave his mouth.

He blushed a light blue. "Sorry, my wings are sensitive."

You giggled. "That's okay, I can stop if you want."

He closed his wing, and folded it neatly upon his back. "I suppose I should be going now. I presume we shall meet again?"

"Yeah, sure! My name's Y/N, by the way."

"Y/N. A perfect name for someone as fair as you." He then outstretched his wings, and took flight, leaving you in the meadow without a trace of him being there.

Except for a single, white feather.

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