Bad Timing or Good Luck? | Morro X Reader

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You sighed as you closed your sketchbook, another page filled with a drawing of Morro. You then set off to his room to show him your glorious achievement. You opened the door to his room.

Right as he was changing into pajamas.

He had his back to the door, and he wasn't exactly clothed. He was slipping his underpants on right as you walked in and got a full view of his backside.

You yelped and shut the door nearly as soon as you opened it. Morro's face turned completely blue with ghostly blush, and yours was the color of Kai's Gi.

You waited outside his door for him to come out. He did, and he was fully clothed this time.

"Sorry..." You said awkwardly.

"It's okay," he said. He let out a nervous laugh.

You figured, there's one way to make this not awkward. And that was to make some random comment about the situation, whether it be funny or awkward.

"You do have a pretty cute butt, though."

"Oh my fucking God, Y/N." Morro put his hands to his face, and his blush got worse.

You giggled. "It's true, though!"

"I love you, but this is just embarrassing."

You put your arms around him, one of your hands around his neck and the other on his lower back as you kissed him.

You giggled a bit, and Morro laughed with you. At least some awkward moments weren't too awkward.

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