It's Super Effective! | PKMN Trainer!Morro X PKMN Trainer!Lloyd

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Why the hell not?

Teams: (four each, because six each is a bit much)

Morro: Drifblim, Gengar, Banette, Vaporeon

Lloyd: Garchomp, Leafeon, Nidoking, Flygon

Reigon: Hoenn (can u hear the trumpets)

Morro's POV

"God dammit, why'd we have to get lost in the Petalburg Woods, of all places."


"I know this place isn't that big, and that's why I'm complaining."


I sighed. "Whatever."

I continued on my way, when I heard a call for help.

Turns out, some blonde guy with a freaking Garchomp was getting his ass whooped by some chick with a Mightyena and a Sharpedo.

"What's the matter? Can't handle the power we at Team Aqua hold?"

Hang on... Aqua? Those bastards that were trying to awaken Kyogre or some crazy shit like that? Well, fuck. This just got personal. I die if I touch water. I'm a ghost, dammit.

"Yo! Blondie!" I yelled. I ran over and threw a PokéBall. "Vaporeon! Use Hydro Pump on Mightyena!"

Now you're probably thinking, "Why would a ghost have a water-type Pokémon?" Well, dear reader, it's because I found an Eevee in the woods one day, back when Drifblim was still a Drifloon (a long time ago). The thing was literally dying, so I grabbed a PokéBall, caught it, and rushed to a Pokémon Center faster than you could say "Giratina." I raised it as an Eevee, until one day it walked up to me holding a Water Stone in its mouth before evolving right then and there into a Vaporeon. Don't worry though, he knows to be careful around me.

Back to the present. Vaporeon managed to hit Mightyena in the face ("Hell yes!") before the blonde's Garchomp used Dragon Claw to finish off the Sharpedo. The Team Aqua Admin (whom I later learned was named Nya) called them both back and ran off to who-knows-where.

"Thanks for helping me out," the blonde said. "I'm Lloyd."

"Morro," I said while shaking his hand. "You have got one powerful team," I commented.

"Garchomp took a lot of blows today. He's the strongest Pokémon I have. Flygon didn't do as well, which is why I'm on my way to the Pokémon Center right now. Same with Leafeon and Nidoking."

I nodded. "Banette needs some rest too," I said.

Lloyd then looked at my wrist. "Is that a Mega Bracelet?"

"Yep. Gengar's got a Gengarite."

"My Garchomp can Mega Evolve, too."

"We should battle sometime, but not now."

"Nope. Not until I get my team healed up."

After that day, our journey continued together. And as it turns out, there's another bratty Admin of a different team: Team Magma. (His name was Kai.)

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