Day of the Departed Special Three - Chen X Reader

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He was a psychopath. You knew that.

He was crazy. You knew that.

He was insane. You knew that.

And yet, you still managed to fall for him.

How was that so?

You pondered this for many nights, wondering if the two of you were truly meant to be. How can you love someone who has literally lost his mind?

Ba-ding. You got a text. From him.

He wanted to meet you, tonight. In the woods. This must've been important, otherwise he would've settled for a walk in the park.

But then again, who knows what a psychopath thinks about on a day-to-day basis.


"Hello, Chen," you said, walking over and sitting down next to him under a tree.

"Hello, Y/N." He smiled, wickedly. He didn't mean to, though. He wanted to be nice, but he wasn't very good at it.

"So... You wanted to meet me in the woods at night. For what reason?"

"I have a few things I'd like to ask you," he said, giggling a bit at the end. You always loved when he did that, even if it was unnecessary.

"Go ahead," you said, smiling.

"Firstly, do you think I'm crazy?"

You paused, thinking about how to put your answer in a kind way. Yes, he was crazy. How do you say that politely?

"Well... Yes, you are crazy. But it's not a bad thing. It gives you... Character."

"Okay..." he said. "I'm okay, as long as you're okay with it."

"I'm fine with you being your funny and crazy self," you said, smiling.

"Next question," Chen said. "Do you have feelings for anyone?"

You blushed at this. "Y-yes."

"...Do you mind if I ask who?"

"Um... Well, he's funny... And smart... And a tad bit crazy..."

"Sounds like me," Chen said, smiling. "I know that trick, Y/N. Don't think I don't know the whole, 'I like you, but I'm not gonna say it's you' trick." He smiled. "I watch too much anime for that."

Ah, yes. The anime obsession.

You laughed. "Alright, you caught me." You turned and looked at Chen. His red irises were paralyzing to some, but warm and safe to others. To you, they were the latter.

You felt something over your hand, and saw that it was his. Your fingers intertwined, and you both said nothing. Your actions were enough to say, "I love you."

And soon enough, his lips were on yours, and you kissed back. You were kissing a psycho. The kiss was long, but not passionate. It was rather sweet and loving, as opposed to lustful. You both pulled away, blushing heavily.

Your eyes told each other, "I love you," and you hugged each other after. This was one night you'd never forget.

Yes. Chen loves anime.

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