Night Time Flight | Morro X Reader

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"Hey, Y/N, I wanna show you something."

"Sure! What is it?"

"Come with me."

You followed Morro outside where he summoned his Elemental Dragon, an elegant yet horrific creature.

Gust was the dragon's name. He looked at you, and nuzzled you. You ran your hand across the scales of the magnificent beast. The creature's blood red eyes sent a loving gaze as you climbed onto its back. Morro grabbed the reigns, and you held onto Morro. You flew off into the black sky, which was covered with a humongous cloud that made viewing the stars impossible.

You noticed your ascent was a bit higher than usual. Soon enough, you pierced through the clouds.

If you looked down, you would see thick, yet wispy clouds as a false ground beneath you. Above you, millions of stars glittered in what seemed to be a dream.

The pace you were flying at seemed to slow down. You gazed in awe at the magnificent sight.

Morro spun himself around carefully on the dragon's back to face you. "Enjoying yourself?"

In response, you pressed your lips to his. He kissed you back, wrapping his arms around your waist. It wasn't rough, but rather soft and sweet. When you pulled back, he smiled and blushed a bit.

"That's what I thought," he remarked.

You giggled. "I love you."

Morro winked at you, then spun around again and made Gust lower himself so his claws were scraping the tops of the clouds. The tips of his wings sent bits of clouds floating upward a bit as Morro continued to guide you through a flight you would never forget.

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