chapter 50.

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Shauns pov I was cuddled up next to ash on her bed, she was finally getting her foot operated on tonight so she was in a good mood. Thing is i wasnt. After 3 days here i was just about going insane, I needed to shave and badly needed some major chill out time. But I wasn’t hurting ash again, I was going to stay with her until she didn’t want me around. I still loved her as much as the day I met her, only now we were so much closer. Id never been through so much with someone, nobody had ever cared enough to share with me. Ash fell asleep while I was humming and playing around with her hair, I sorted of drifted into sleep because I was just so tired and emotionally drained. Dreams were where anything was possible, but dreams could just as easy turn to nightmares. Luckily not today. Okay so my dreams weren’t lollypops and rainbow pooping unicorns but hey, nobody dreams about that shit unless they’re high. I dreamt about the day we met, the day that in a way everything went wrong for me. But wrong dosen’t always equal what’s for the best. As the frontman of a band that had such a big impact on younger ages I was expected to keep everything G rated, I was expected to keep a squeaky clean image. I was not expected to shatter the dreams of a bunch of 12 year olds by having an ‘emo’ girlfriend. But fuck what’s expected of you, sometimes you just take the risk and it pays off. I got woken up by a sharp stabbing feeling on my leg, looked up to see a diffrent nurse to the one that usually came in. She looked alot easier going with her nose stud and topknot looking in her early 20s. She wasn’t. Looks can be deceiving can’t they? She refused to listen that I was all ash had, instead yelling and waking ash up before kicking me out of the room. She followed a few minutes after, I wish I could take back so many things, this was just another one to add to the list. But let’s just blame it on lack of sleep and built up frustration. I lost it at her, lashing out and letting go of all the pain I’d held back over the last few days. She looked shocked, before asking my name then realizing who I was. I apologized blushing a little, it was so embarresing. Her name was maisie, this was her first day as a trainee nurse and she hadn’t realized I was ash’s support. She let me back in, turns out she went to school with ash and they were friends until she ditched ash in favor of a more popular friend. It was almost time for the helicopter that was taking ash down to get her foot surgery done in Sydney to leave, lucky I’d made up with maisie, she was the one coming with us on the flight. I hadn’t seen ash’s foot yet but I nearly freaked out when maisie let me look, it was pretty gross. Everyone else was driving back in the morning, I was the only one going tonight, I really wanted more time alone with ash, I wanted to gain her trust 100%

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