Chapter 30

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    A/N; wahoo, 30 chapters. Thank you guys for all the voting, funny comments, and being my first watty-pal @-_InTheDark-_ .....back to the story.

Narrator's pov
  Okay, quick recap;
  Sakura's started having weird dreams of the past.
Sasuke's trying to get Sakura to know the truth about Shino.
Shino's becoming impatient with his plan.
Deidera has developed slutty feelings for Sakura.
  Ino, Sai and the rest of the guys are arrogantly wasting time in the beach house.

{{SaiIno and the rest; Ahem

  Narrator; *gulp* I was just
  expressing my thoughts,the way
  Kristallyne said I should.

  Kristallyne; don't drag me into

   Ino; oh, there'll be
   some expressing of thoughts
   Narrator (being beaten to a pulp);
   Heellppp Kristallyne!!!!

   Kristallyne; anyways, I'll
   have to continue
   the recapping ^-^ }}

Sasuke was taken to the Uchiha city by Fugaku and Itachi.
Sakura's planning on bringing him back. She feels he's being forced to do something.
Ino and the group keep having fun cause they aren't aware of the situation at hand.

{{ Ino; Thank you.
  Narrator; Ow, stop biting my arm

Naruto;  Can't hear you, I'm busy
expressing my thoughts. }}

Sasuke's pov

  Waking up from a fucking concussion, just like college after i got tackled several times by fan girls.
  "What the heck?", I asked. Just on cue, the door opened.
"Itachi", I said irritated.
"Hm. Seems like someone isn't happy to be back home", he said.
"Why should I?", I asked.
"Because you're getting married in the next few weeks", another voice said coming in.
"Father", I said.
"A week to be exact", he said.
"Fuck! A week?!", I yelled
"Show some respect", Itachi said holding my collar.
"Hmp" I said looking down before he released me.
"You've become wild. I knew I shouldn't have let you go. But your mother...", he said looking out the door before she came in.
  "Oh, Sasuke, I'm so glad you came to visit", she said.
"Visit?!", I yelled again.
"Hey, stop screaming, you sound like a girl when you do that", she said looking away and pouting, while Itachi chuckled.
  "Hn", I said.
"You three are the same. Always talking like robots", she said.
  "Hn", Itachi, father and I replied.

**time skip**

"So, in order for both our businesses to be great, we set you up for the marriage", father completed.
"Let me get this straight. You want me to get married to the daughter of a family friend who is in the same business category as us, so you can earn a few more bucks than normal?", I said.
"Hn", he replied.
"You guys have Itachi. Why me?", I asked.
"But Sasuke, you said you wanted to be part of the family business. You were so interested when you were little", mother said.
"Uh, yeah I am but..."
"But nothing. Itachi's the oldest, so whatever his decision is, it doesn't matter to us since we have a second son who would have to listen to us by force", father said.
  "Is that legal?", I asked after a few minutes of silence.
"Pretty much", Itachi answered.
"Shut up weasel. If you knew about this earlier, you'll probably be a drug dealer. That's right, I've seen your journal", I said.
"Whatever. But father, you don't have to force him. I'm really getting the hang of being the owner of the company", Itachi said.
"Okay then, explain how we'll manage the other branches of the company", father said.
"Other branches?", Itachi and I asked.
"We'll talk about this later. But now, Miss Karin is on her way. You can get to know her better",father said.

*ding dong*

"Don't start that now, she's already here", father said heading to the door.
"I know how you feel Sasuke. I don't like that Karin girl either", mother whispered to me.
"You should have brought a girl, then you would have convinced your father", mother said again.
"Sasuke", father called from the door.
"Coming father", I said.
"Sasuke, this is miss Karin Uzumaki. And of course, you know my son Sasuke", father said.
"Nice to meet you", she said stretching out and arm.
"Hn", I replied looking away.
"Okay now, you guys have to hang out somewhere else. I'm taking father and mother to the company for redesigning", Itachi said.
"I'm not interested", I said walking to my room.
"Sasuke. You don't want to imagine what I'll do to you if you keep walking", father said.
"*sigh* I'm just going to get the keys", I lied.
"Good. Mikoto, Itachi", father called as the three left the house.
  "Be careful son. If the car you're driving is about to fly off a cliff, don't forget to jump out", mother said winking at me before she left.
I walked out to the car after that while Karin stood like a statue and sweat dropped.
  "Are you coming or not?", I asked opening the car door.
"Hm? Oh, yes", she said running towards the car.
  "Lock up", I said handing her the keys to the door.

Karin's pov

"Lock up", he said tossing the keys.
  "Done", I said as I turned to see he was already driving away without me.
"Sasuke!", I yelled as I chased the car.
It was quite embarrassing, chasing a car and screaming the name of on of the most popular Uchihas in the Uchiha neighborhood with glares and giggles following me.
  "Finally", I said as he stopped.
"What was that for?", I asked after getting into the car.
  "If I was going to drive out of the Uchiha neighborhood,  do you think I'll do that with a slut like you in my car?", he asked.
"Hmp. You'll say that now then fall in love with me later", I murmured.
"Yeah, a million years later", he said.
"Tch...If you weren't so cool and handsome, I would've kicked you right on your..."
"Thoughts and desires stay in the head. Hn, even the radish is better", he said.
"Radish?", I asked.

Sakura's pov

I'm at the Uchiha city and damn it's large.
It took an hour to get here and I really need to use the bathroom.

'You could've gone earlier', inner said.
'No time. There aren't even fast food joints around here. Just fancy restaurants', I replied.
'Damn the Uchihas and their fancying', inner said.
'Oh, let's go to that one. It doesn't seem like the others', I said.
' El Uchiha De restaurant . Hmm fancy', inner replied.

"Excuse me but do you know where I can park?", I asked one guy in a suit.
"We have valets for that", he replied.

'Va-wha?', inner asked.
'Don't tell me you don't know who valets are', I said.
'I know I know. Just messing with you', she replied.

"Hm. Haven't seen a pink haired person since Mr. Haruno", the Maitre D' said.
"You know my father?", I asked.
"Of course, a nice man with a big heart. He always came here with his wife who died two years after having their first child. He's a faithful man to not get married again", he said as I felt tears forming in my eyes.
"Sorry miss Haruno . I didn't mean to..."
"Uchiha!", I yelled as the emotional moment ended.
I walked towards Sasuke's table receiving glares from everyone.
Probably because I yelled Uchiha, which isn't really descriptive in this case.
Or they think I'm crazy. But one thing's for sure...I'm mad.

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