Chapter 9

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Sakura's pov

Time to go grocery shopping... again.I don't know what Sasuke likes, I mean, he is staying here with me for I don't know how long, so, I'll try to make him feel comfortable.

**At the grocery store**

Milk. He probably likes milk. Every one likes milk. Okay now, vegetables, carrots, not to much though, he's not a rabbit. Okay, noodles. I'm so confused.

"Hey watch it", someone said
"Sorry, the floor's wet", the other replied. I looked back and saw two guys. A ravenette with duck butt hair, and a brunette with a bowl cut (made up character).
Then the brunette walked in front of the ravenette on the wet floor, again probably, then he slipped. But the ravenette caught him. It seemed like they were staring at each other then the brunette ran his hands through the ravenette's cheek. They're probably gay. I'll just walk away.

Sasuke's pov

Ugh! I'm so bored in this hotel. At least I'm going to 'Sakura's' house tomorrow (hope she's not a fangirl). Anyway, I think I'll go get some tomatoes at the grocery store.

**At the grocery store**

Tomatoes, tomatoes, where are the tomatoes? There they are.
"Oops",some guy mumbled, then hit me "hey,watch it", I replied. "Oh sorry, the floor's wet", he replied. "Whatever",I replied. Then the fool walked in front of me again, on the same wet floor. Then slipped. I had no other choice, but to catch him(well, if I didn't, he would've squashed the tomatoes).
"My hero", he whispered, then ran his hand through my face. I couldn't do anything but to try to process his stupidity. Then I felt like someone or something pink was watching, which made it more awkward.
Then I dropped him, and went on my way.

Sakura's pov

Well that was awkward. Anyway, I've bought the groceries, and have nothing to do. Ugh!..wait...Shino!
*Beep bop boop bop beep*
"Hy Shino"
"Um...who exactly is this"

(What the heck?! He asked me to date him and he doesn't even know my phone number)

"Uh.. it's Sakura"
"Oh, Sakura. I'm so sorry"
"Never mind. By the way, can we hang out or you're busy?"
"Oh, I'm so sorry but I'm really busy right now"
"Okay, what about next week, tomorrow, any other day?"
"Y'know what, I need to go. I'll call you back later"
"K. By-
*hangs up*

Romantic much. Mph. Wait, why do I care about romance, it's just stupid.

*ring ring*

"Hello, Shino?"
"You're really desperate aren't you? "
"Oh, hey Ino. How are things going?"
"My mum left to grandma's, but I'll go ahead the day after tomorrow"
"Duh, I have to introduce you to Sasuke and vice versa. So things between you two don't become...Awkward".
"No problem. Anyway, how's your relationship?"
"Well, it's..."
"Y'know what, let me come over then we'll talk about it"
"K. See you in twenty."
*hangs up*

**Time skip**

*ding dong*

"Coming", I said while wiping my hands with a napkin, and wearing my 'kiss the cook' apron.
"Hey, In-oh?"
"Sakura, Sasuke. Sasuke, Sakura", Ino said while moving her hands to our directions as she mentioned our names.
"You", Sasuke and I said together but with surprise in my voice and no emotions in his.
"You guys have met, right? In high school", Ino said.
"And the grocery store", I whispered, while Sasuke and I stared at each other, again emotionless for him and surprised for me.
This moment felt really awkward, and all the grocery memories came flooding my mind.
"SAKURA!", Ino yelled
"oh, yeah, sorry, come in", I said.
"Thank you. So Sasuke's staying here for at least two months or until his mansion is ready", Ino replied, frustrated.
"Now, Sasuke. First impression?", Ino asked.
"Nice home, confused owner", he said emotionless.

(Well, if I were told to give a first expression of him, I'll reveal his whole gay secret)

"Sakura! Still entering this trans' of yours, eh?", Ino said with one hand on her hip.
"Hehe, sorry", I apologized scratching the back of my head and smiling with my eyes closed.
"Anyway, first impression?", she asked. With the both of them staring me.
"Well Sasgay's...."
"Did you just...", Ino started
"No no no. I didn't say anything. Anybody hungry, I cooked ramen, let's go eat some ramen", I said, trying to cover it up.

Sasuke's pov
Like I said, nice house, confused owner. She just called me gay, and do I need to explain to her? No, because one, she's the owner of this house. Two, she's confused. And three, I don't really care of what she thinks of me. But she shouldn't ruin my reputation.
(what reputation, you might ask. Well, the reputation I've been holding on to since I was born. Which is the fact that I'M NOT GAY!) .
"I'm not hungry. Anyway I gotta go. See you guys later.", Ino said walking out of the door.
"O-kay. Well Sasuke. you want to eat first or..."
"Room", I replied
"K", she said, then we walked to the stairs.

Sakura's pov

Okay, so I'm not really myself again.
First of all, my mouth is actually going with my thoughts this time (Sasgay). Second of all, I'm really nervous around Sasuke. Maybe I'm just concerned on how he'll think of my house or if he doesn't like my food or...
"Ahem, Sakura?", Sasuke said.
Okay. This is really awkward, I'm on the stairs and Sasuke's holding my shoulders from behind. Like he's preventing me from falling. I probably tripped and didn't known it.
"Oh, I'm so sorry", I apologized while I helped him pack his clothes that he dropped just to catch me. I really need to snap out of my thoughts nowadays.
While I packed his clothes, I found his Mario head filled boxers.
I grabbed it, then jumped downstairs and waved it in the air while I was running, and I was chanting 'Sasgay loves Mario, Sasgay loves Mario'. Then Sasuke jumped downstairs and started chasing me and...
"Sakura!", Sasuke called out while snapping his fingers in front of my face.
"Mario?", I said. Then looked down to see me holding his Mario boxers. Then immediately returned it to him.
This is gonna be a looonng day.

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