Chapter 51

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Sasuke's pov

Shisui hungrily stared at the ingredients for baking while I surfed the Internet to find something interesting but not sweet to bake.
While Itachi was heading towards death.

"You did hear what I said about distracting them, right?", Shisui asked Itachi.
"I'm not distracting. Just want to figure out how to wake them up", Itachi stared at the two females.
"Alright, but not now, they're playing Bluestone alley. It's my favorite", Shisui grinned. After staring at him awkwardly, Itachi decided to make a move on them.

"I'll just shake them a bi..."


Itachi was thrown across the kitchen hitting his head on a counter.
"What did I do to deserve this?", he murmured.
"Told ya", Shisui said.

I ran to Itachi checking if he was okay.

"Hey you almost broke the remote superman", I scolded Itachi snatching the remote from him.
"Thanks, I'm alright don't worry", he said sarcastically and glared.

Beep beep beep

"What's that?", Itachi asked finally standing up.
"I think it's their phones, seems like they've got to leave it to charge", Shisui peaked at their phones.
"Finally", Itachi said walking away.
"Where are you going?", I asked.
"Away from them", Itachi said leaving the kitchen.


"What now?", I glared at Shisui.
"Not me", he held his hands up in defense.

Mother and Sakura stood up and stretched.

"What are we doing here?", Mother asked.
"Last thing I remember is that we went shopping", Sakura yawned.
"Oh, that's right. Let's bake", mother said as Sakura smiled and walked towards a counter to get started.

I went to where they were once sited and saw both their phones on the floor right in front of the chairs they sat on. They must have thrown it when it went off.
Picking them up, I went to get it charged...and probably check this game out.

**Time skip**

Shisui's pov

"These are really good cookies", I smiled at Sakura with a cookie in my mouth.
"Help yourself to the scones when they've cooled. I want to go shower", aunt said leaving the kitchen.
"Me too", Sakura said leaving also.
"More cookies for me then", I mumbled stuffing my face with cookies.

Sakura's pov

While climbing the stairs, I noticed an empty, slash, dark aura seeping out of a certain room.
"Sasuke?", I asked peeking into his room.
The lights were off and the time of the day didn't make it any lighter. 
And there was a huge lump under the sheets of the bed emitting the only source of light.

I walked into the room heading to the lump on the bed. Should I poke it? Should I leave it? It's probably Sasuke, wait, it must be Sasuke, but what's he doing.
"Sasuke?", I asked once again, but I touched his shoulder this time.

"Woah", I exclaimed as he tackled me. And I must say, this is a very unpleasant position.
"Hey bozo, get off", I said squirming under him.

He actually lifted me off the ground, unto the bed and pinned my hands above my head, while he sat on my belly with both his legs dangling down the side of the bed.

"What are you doing here?", he asked in a coarse voice.
"I was just checking up on you", I said glaring at how comfortable he looked seating on my tummy.

It was quiet for a while.

"Do you mind?", I asked squirming again.
"Yes, I do", he said moving to get his phone.
"Get off", I almost yelled. I obviously couldn't push him off because of his weight compared to mine.
"Hn. I don't feel like", he said using his phone and adjusting his legs to seat criss cross on me.

"What the hell dude?", I asked.
"Shh", he said using a hand to hold his phone and the other to cover my mouth.

"Hello?", a voice popped out of nowhere.
"Mmmm mphh mmmm", I tried to yell.
"Karin, I want you to talk to Sakura for me", he said looking at me.
"Okay, about the first thing, or the second thing?", she asked.

"MMMMPPHH?!", I yelled. Is he having an affair with her? Is she pregnant for him? Or maybe...he's pregnant for her! That explains the weight.

"Both, but the second thing first", he said.
"Okay, is she there?", Karin asked.
"Yeah", he said holding the phone to me.

"What now four eyes?", I asked.
"Hey, 'kura chill out. Sasuke and I have been talking", she said.
"Maybe a lot more than that", I mumbled audibly.
"Jeez Sakura, anyway, we were talking about your relationship with each other, and we..."
"And you want to get together and me out of the picture. I know how fangirls work, save me the details", I rolled my eyes.

"What?", Karin almost yelled.

Sasuke facepalmed.

"No. Sasuke is just a stupid boy who can't apologize, so he wants me to help with that", she giggled as Sasuke glared at the phone.

"Skip that, what's the other thing?", I asked.
"Your engagement party is next week. Sasuke and I planned it", she chirped.
"What?!", I yelled glaring at Sasuke.

"What's wrong?", Itachi said as he, Shisui and mother ran into the room.


Shisui was laughing so hard he fell.

"Wow, if that's your idea of 'doing it'  then...Woah", Itachi said running a hand through his hair.

"Um, I'll call you back", Sasuke stood up as I sat up.
"Ah jeez", Sasuke and I said simultaneously.

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