Chapter 44

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Narrator's pov

"This is all your fault"
"Hey, I was only having fun"
" Would you two just shut up?!"

Confusing eh? Well let's go back in time, hehehehehe.

Kristallyne: weirdo

Narrator: someone's gotta be the weird one.

Kristallyne: idiot.

SasuSakuIta: Ahem!

Narrator: up up and away to the story!

SasuSakuItaKris: weirdo.

Sasuke's pov

"You three have to...", father started.

"Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination, and when he's tall he's what we call a dinosaur sensation.."

"Sakura", I snapped.
"it wasn't me, I swear", she said.
"''s just....soo funny...I can't believe Sasuke still watches this", mother laughed.
"*sigh* I thought you deleted that video", I said.
"Hey, at least I didn't post it", she said.
"Who knew? Late president Sarutobi's grandson's birthday's today", Itachi said scrolling through his phone.

"Perfect", Mr Haruno and father said simultaneously.
"Ah jeez", Sakura and Itachi said.

Sakura's pov

Fugaku got us a gig at Konohamaru's birthday as...

"Whether you two like it or not, I'm Barney", Itachi said taking his Barney costume.
"Well, I've got nothing to loose", I said taking the P.J costume.
"Sakura, you're Baby Bop", Sasuke said.
"She called dibs man", a random guy with a funny looking beard said from nowhere.
"Thank you", I said.
"You welcome", he replied.
"Excuse us please", Sasuke said holding the bridge of his nose.
"Kay then. See you guys on stage", the man said walking away.

"Bye", I called out.
"Sakura, you're a girl, you're supposed to be Baby Bop", he said trying to get the costume from me.
"Heck no. BB's PJ's sister. And I ain't your sister", I said.
"Well, Itachi is your soon to be brother, so let him wear the PJ costume", he said.
"No way, that's a small costume, and Barney isn't getting married to Baby Bop", Itachi said already in his costume, holding the head.
"Neither is PJ getting married to Baby Bop. That's incest", Sasuke said.
"Yeah, and incest is wrong", the weird dude came out of nowhere, again.

"Excuse us. Again", Sasuke snapped.
"Okay, but the crowds getting a little rough out there so you better hurry up", the guy said leaving.

Sasuke Itachi and I peeked through the side of the stage to see the crowd.

"Where on earth is Barney?!", Konohamaru yelled.
"I prefer Spiderman", his friend with the glasses said.
"I love PJ!", his other friend with the weird ponytails said.
"Booo!!! This show sucks", Naruto???

"I'm not paying you guys to lay around", Konohamaru's mother said.
"You're not paying us at all", Sasuke sneered.
"Just get out there", she said.

We wore our costumes and went to face the crowed. Father, Fugaku and Mikoto were at the parent section, while the kids, and Naruto, gathered to the foot of the stage.

Sasuke and Itachi refused to talk, so I summed up my best PJ voice and tried to get the crowd cheering.

"Hey guys, as you all know, I'm PJ. And this is my little sister Baby Bop. And my best friend Barney", I motioned to Sasuke and Itachi, who was the only one who waved to the kids.
"Sorry if Baby Bop's rude, she's probably on her period", I joked which surprisingly made the crowd laugh along.

"There was this one time I was playing a video game, and Baby Bop came over, and she was like
'Whatcha playing?' and I was like 'COD' And she was like 'Code of Conduct?' ", I joked which made the crowd laugh louder.
"I told her it was 'Call of Duty' and she was like 'haha doodie' ", I said making them laugh even louder even Itachi was rolling on the floor.

"Do guys wanna know a secret?", I asked.
"Yes", they all replied.
"Okay, toss me a tomato", I said, and someone actually threw a tomato.
"Here", I handed it over to Sasuke who was folding his arm in frustration.
He took the tomato and completely forgot he was wearing a costume then got it smudged all over Baby Bop's mouth. The crowd cheered.

"Baby Bop's a sucker for tomatoes", I said.
"Alright everyone. Time to sing and dance", I said, everyone yay'ed.
"Umm. Oh, I've got one", I said.

"I know someone who's lots of fun, with her favorite kind of dancing.
All of our friends say Baby Bop, do the Baby Bop hop...",

I sang waiting for Sasuke to hop according to the song, but he was still annoyed.
I went behind him and kneed him real hard on his butt making him jump or 'hop' in surprise.

"..hop, hop, hop, hop, everyone do the hop, hop!"

We went on and on with the singing and dancing, and my best so far was Mr. Sun by Itachi who was getting into the Barney spirit.

"Oh Mr sun, sun, Mr golden sun,
Please shine down on me..."

Itachi sang, moving left then right on a spot and making hand gestures.
Then we ended it with a special number.

"I love you, you love me, we're best friends like friends should be,
With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.
Won't you say you love me too?"

Itachi and I sang hugging Sasuke who was still being a kill joy.

"Everyone give it up for Barney and friends", The host said as we left the stage.

"That's one of the things I'll add to my list of accomplishments", Itachi said and I agreed.
"That wasn't so bad now was it?",Mikoto asked walking towards us.
"It was actually kind of fun", I replied. I can swear I have holes on my head with Sasuke's intense death glaring.

"Now, next time you want to have fun like this, just say so", Fugaku said walking away with father who chuckled.
"So, I guess that was our punishment", Itachi said.
"Yup, what should we do now?",I asked.
"Silly Sasuke, sneezing isn't an activity", I joked.
"Well I'm not...Achoo"
"Come on little brother, this weather isn't even close to chilly", Itachi said.
"Wow, he's running a fever", I said touching his head.
"Karma finally caught up with you huh?", Itachi chuckled.

"What do you mean?", I asked.
"Well, I got sick a year back. Sasuke made fun of me cause I was helpless and only had mother to take care of me. Well what goes around comes around", Itachi explained.
"Hm. To think I pitied you", I said hitting Sasuke at the back of his head.
"Oww", he groaned.
"Well, he cared when he was way younger", Itachi said.
"Yeah, Mikoto said he always took care of you when you two were younger", I said.

"Mind repaying the favor?", Sasuke asked right before sneezing, then coughing.
"Alright the..."
"I'll take care of you Sasuke", I said out of the blue.

A/N; so what did you guys think? Thanks to my sis for helping me construct this. Sorry for the late update, aaaaannndd...


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