Chapter 35

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Sakura's pov

Sasuke dragged me in the damn hell hole while I kept begging him to let go.
He finally won and I was in. We were the last in the line so only Sasuke and I were in there.
He released me and kept going further while I crouched down with my head in my legs to avoid the sight of the new and improved scary cardboard cut outs.
"Come on now...", I heard him say at my right.
"...It's not that scary",he continued at my left.
"*sniff* please Sasuke", I cried.
"Hn. Typical radish", he said then picked me up and held me close.
We walked through with my head buried in his chest.
"I learn a lot about you everyday now don't I?", he asked as he left me at the other side.
"*sigh* troublesome", he said as he pulled me in for a hug.
"It's okay", he said rather frustrated.
"Alright...I'm sorry", he said.
"I want ice cream", I said and left him for the nearest ice cream stand.
"What the?", I heard him say as I left with a victorious smirk.

**time skip**

That was one hell of a theme park. Anyway, it's dark and Sasuke and I decided to watch a home movie. But unfortunately, it was a Tuesday, that means no movies, but, who said we couldn't watch anything.

"Popcorn, soda, remote, ready", I said jumping on the couch.
"Hn", Sasuke said as I handed over the remote.

Channel 1 ; "when two people of opposite genders are deeply in love, they..."

"Change!", I yelled spitting out my drink.

Channel 2 ; "...And luckily for it, this is the mating season..."

"Cha..", I started as the bowl of popcorn flew off my hand.
"Way ahead of you", he said.

Channel 3 ; "..fall back again, fall off the train, land in his bed, repeat yesterday's mistakes.." (Rihanna & Shakira Cnt rmbr 2 4get u)

"That's enough TV for tonight", I said.
"Agreed", he said as we both went to bed for the night.

**the next morning**

Okay, so this is the day I finally go over to work. While Sasuke's going for an interview.
I wore something formal, tied my hair in a bun and set out.
Sasuke had already left the house so it was kind of quiet.

'First day at work, wahoo', inner celebrated.
'Hell no, you ain't coming with me', I barked.

**time skip**

I got to the office to meet little mister bitchy pants flirting with one of my dad's workers.

'Oh hell no!', inner yelled.
'Hey, what did I tell you?'
'I just wanted to help'
'Well thanks for the offer but no'

"I'll call you later...Hey Sakura", he said walking over me.
"Come on Sakura. Okay, I'm sorry. And I have good news", he said.
I raised an eyebrow.
"Let's talk over it later. Dinner's on me", he said.
"I don't have the ti.."
"Thanks, I'll come pick you up later", he said walking away.

**time skip**

Everything's fine in dad's office. At least, I forced every single employee to confess if they told Shino about over latest project (multipurpose gadget. Is it a phone? Is it a game console? Is it a computer? No one knows).

Oh, and I kinda suspended Akiru from work. The girl chatting with Shino, ugh. I can't risk the fate of my dad's business.

Anyway, I have no other choice but to go meet Shino. He's at the door.

"We can just talk about it over here", I said opening the door.
"Okay then. At least it'll save you money", he said.
"I was going to pay? Looks like you've got no problem lying to me after that day", I said.
"I've got nothing to loose anymore. Anyway, I want to talk to you about us. Do you mind stepping outside a little bit? You know, before your busboy over there hears us", he said searching the house from the door.
"Sasuke is not my busboy. And I'm not leaving until you tell me what you wanted to", I said.
"Okay then. I'm breaking up with yo.."
"Already done that", I interrupted.
"And I'm getting married to Akiru", he said handing me an invitation card.
"Better save her a spot in your company, cause she's fired", I said.
"Whatever you say, but you have to be there. And you can bring busboy too", he said throwing it to my feet.
"You're risking a perfectly good wedding?", I asked.
"I'll take my chances with you", he said walking away.

I turned back to meet Sasuke smirking.
"What's wrong?", I asked raising an eyebrow.
"I'm bored. Do you know what I crave to do right now?", he asked.
"What?", I asked. He took the invitation card from me and waved it in the air as he walked towards the stairs.
"How was the interview?", I asked smirking a bit.
"Hm. It was a...blast", he said finally leaving.
He's planning something. And I'm definitely in.

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