Chapter 50

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A/N: before we go on, I want to thank you all for the votes and comments. I never expected this much readers (especially on the third book I've written on Wattpad. And even before a year too {joined Wattpad last year December}). Okay, so the point is, thanks for the support. 

Sasuke's pov

Father's got an engagement party planned for Sakura and I. And since I'm too 'picky' like he says, I have to plan the party all over again with Sakura. That's if I can find her.
"Itachi, have you seen Sakura?", I asked my brother who was on the couch watching TV.
"Beats me", he said eating a pickle.
"Ugh, you're useless", I walked to the stairs.
"Love you too bae", he said.

"*sigh* Sakura, we've got an engagement party to plan", I said as I opened every door I walked past.
"Finally, Sakura.", I walked into Shisui's room.

Sakura sat and the end of the bed with her phone in her hands repeatedly tapping stuff with her bangs covering the corners of her eyes.
I slammed the door but that didn't seem to snap her from what she was doing.

"Sakura?", I called curiously, what is she doing?
I walked towards her and held her by her shoulder, then....


"Dammit Sakura!", I yelled holding my abdomen.
"Fuck! I was so close to beating Shisui's high score! What do you want?!", she asked finally looking at me.

Sakura's pov

"Fuck! I was so close to beating Shisui's high score! What do you want?!", I yelled looking over at duckbutt.
I heard him call me before he slammed the door, but I was too caught up in the game.

"What are you doing?", he asked still on the floor.
"*sigh* I was playing this new game on Shisui's phone", I replied not looking at him.

"You know you can just download it on your phone, instead of always coming over. But you can also not download it and visit me every minute", Shisui smirked walking out of the bathroom without a shirt.

"Oh, my..."
"She'll download it", Sasuke said dragging me out of the room.
"Hey, what was that for?", I asked as he closed his door.
"Stop falling for my cousin and come with me",he held my hand.

"I'm not falling for you're cousin, and no, I'm not going anywhere with you, so it's better you leave me alone or I'll punch you right under your abdomen!", I said, or maybe yelled, the event of that night replayed repeatedly in my head as I glared at him remembering he had no feelings when he said all that to me.
"What's going on?", Itachi ran upstairs and Shisui rushed out of the room yelling the same question.
Sasuke stared at me still with his plain face, while I glared back.

"Nothing", I looked down walking to my room.

I held the door nob and turned it but I found my legs moving away from the room and someone dragging me away.

"Kyaa-!", I yelled throwing a punch to his head but he dodged still walking.
"You're too slow", he commented.
"How have I been hitting you then?", I glared at his abnormally shaped hair.
"I've been taking things too easy. Now shut up", he said.
"Shut up?!", I yelled before he covered my mouth with his hand.
"Don't yell, we're outside and it's late", he irritatingly replied.

I pulled his hand from my mouth angrily.

"Don't yell? If I didn't let you in my house, we wouldn't be planning a wedding. But now that we are about to get married, you've been a lot more mean. What on earth did I ever do to you Sasuke? When you get sick or hurt, I do what I do because I'm under pressure. I don't mean to hit you unless I'm angry at you, which isn't everytime because every time I look at you, I fall for you all over again, but you obviously don't feel the same, so why do I waste my time...?!", I yelled to be quieted his lips.

It went on for a minute then he pulled away.

"You're so annoying", he said with his hands in his pocket.

I couldn't say anything, everytime we kissed, it was an accident, but now, it was real. Accident or not, I still feel that spark.

"Uh?", I managed to say over the wobbly feeling in my legs.

'Come on Sakura, it was just a kiss, how will you react after you've done it?', inner asked.
'I thought I said I didn't want you interfering into things', I replied.
'Okay okay fine'

"Now will you listen?", he asked.
"W-well...", I pressed my fingers together.
"it was just a kiss, forget it. Now liste..."
"Just a kiss? You know what, forget it, the engagement party, the wedding, everything. I'm leaving tomorrow", I snapped walking away from him.

Sasuke's pov

What's with the new Sakura? I can't believe I've messed up more than I can count. I don't want her to leave, she might be the only who understands me.
Wait a second, this feeling....Jugo.

Karin's pov

"That was awesome Sui", I said walking out of the cinema room with Suigetsu.
"Yh, I..."

*ring ring*

"Hn, Do you have Jugo's number?", Sasuke asked from the other end.
"Um yeah, I'll text it to you now", I hung up.
"Who was that?", Suigetsu asked.
"Sasuke. I think he's learned his lesson", I smiled.

Sakura's pov

"Sakura please", Shisui begged.
"Im sorry Su, but I don't think I can handle Sasuke any longer. Yeah, I always tolerated him, but he's gone way too far.."
"I know what he said about your mother.  But the Sakura I've heard about would've forgiven him ages ago. Please rethink this", he left the room.

Timeskip to the next day

Sasuke's pov

"You seem happy today mother", I descended the stairs.
"You seem like a mess today Sasuke. Anyway, Sakura and I are going grocery shopping, and then we'll bake when we get back", mother replied.
"I'm ready Mikoto", Sakura said coming down the stairs.

"I thought you were lea..."
"Forget what I said yesterday. Shisui reminded me to forgive. So, you're forgiven...even though you didn't apologize", she said leaving with mother.

"Yeah, girls are difficult", Shisui came down adjusting his sneakers.
"And where are you going?", I asked.
"Aunt and Sakura need a 'guy' to pick out 'guy' ingredients", he said.
"And what does that mean?", I asked.
"Since we're mostly guys in the house, they need to bake things not too girly. Bye brah", he left.

"Itachi, wanna hang out?", I asked the confused man in the kitchen.
"No. I'm looking for my contact lenses", he said.
"in the kitchen?", I asked.
"What do you need them for? And how do they look like?"
"I'm studying Uchiha history. Our forefathers were ninjas gifted with these special eyes. And they're red with three comas round", he explained.

I stared at him when he finally looked at me.

"You're wearing them Einstein", I said.
"No thanks Sherlock", he left.

And now...I'm alone.


"We're back", Shisui opened the door coming in with a lot of bags.
"Where's mother and Sakura?", Itachi asked as he paused the game we were playing.
"Um well, they might be brainwashed at the moment", Shisui chuckled.
"What do you mean?", I asked.
"Piano Tiles....and whatever you not distract them", he explained.

A/N: so the game's Piano tiles nothing so special. The chapter was supposed to be about it, but things got a little Piano tiles 2, ITS AWESOME!

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