(y/n) what???!!!!

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3rd pov:

It's been two weeks since The Undertaker gave a call to Ciel and of course his loyal butler Sebastian told his master.

It turned out to be three months since they have touched bases with (y/n). Both demonic butlers got the carriages ready for both of their young masters. By the time they get to the Undertaker shop, the blonde boy started to shout to his butler asking if (y/n) is okay or in other words alive which she certainly is.

The blue haired boy Ciel went up to the grey long haired male asking, "Where is she?" The undertaker seemed to be- hesitant to answer. "Well Lord Phatomhive-" speak of the devil, (y/n) came out an coffin interrupting the undertaker "Oh geez! No wonder London has the most grumpiest people here! We cant get enough sleep with all the hollering and racket here!" All ,eyes and attention was now on (y/n) because

1. she just made a crazy outburst

2. her original purple and black haired color was now changed into (h/c)

It was utter less silence "I'm going into the back room undertaker call me if you need me!" And with that she walked off to the back of the shop and everyone turned their heads towards the undertaker as asking for an explanation and as he can read minds he did so.

"I know you all are looking for an explanation for her hair color and outburst and acting like someone different. When she passed ground I really couldn't find anything to cure her so I asked William if he knew anything and we went out to the reaper library to find some information and I found some and things and made a potion type of drink for her and it was the only way to have her alive or bring back her to at least awake because she was alive she just lost conscious but the side affects would be she would lose the memory that her butler Leo gave her but her old memories would come back and hence why she seems more grouchy" All the males nodded their heads understanding but still having it sadden that she would or has forgot them. "Also-" The undertaker stopped mid sentence "Shes half witch and vampire so.. please".

They were speechless.

(Y/n) is-

A/N: Heeeey sorry everyone I finally have a laptop to do my stories with! And Ive been lost really I had writers block and same problem as always its my ex, Hes making me sad making forget I have my little munchkins to write for! So I apologize please forgive me!!!


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