Falling Down

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I wanted to go and come forth with Leo. He sounded true to his word but something in me was telling me not to, not to trust him at all by any means it was like something snapped.

"If he was so honest you with you and kept his word you would know your real identity" I heard a voice creep up saying. I looked around me seeing no one it was just me in the hall, I wanted to run but again something in me told me like; this is part of me and if it was will it get in the way of my goals in life. "Mistress" Leo smiled as he walked up to me in a slow but steady pace as if there was nothing wrong or like if nothing had happened, looking down I answered back "Yes Leo what do you want" I tried to be as normal as I would usually act and be like. But that something from before is stopping me from doing so. "You have a guest. Tis is someone I may not be very fond of" He casually added in. I was curious, was it Ciel and Sebastian or Alois and Claude or was it both? "Give me time, just lead them to the study and I will be right with them" I tried smiling but it was just a blank look. The same blank look Ciel had given me when I first met him before Leo had left he twirled on his toes facing again back at me, "Did The Queens Guard Dog give you the Ciel Affect" I knew it was joking but it was wrong too. "Funny. Now go do as I say" I pointed towards the way he was just going and nodded going that way.

I stood in that one place for just a couple of seconds giving myself a breather. I knew I could face who ever was in my study right now, I walked towards my study with my eyes shut opening the door, "Is it the dog or spider?" I asked with a smirk upon my face. As I opened the eyes seeing it was neither. "Put down the book and tell me what are you doing here?" I asked the girl walking over to where she stood taking the book out of her hands. "I came to speak to you," she started off "and do not take anything offensive on what I do tell you." I nodded, wondering what is it does she want to speak about and not want me to get upset about? And besides I can't really make promises but I agree to make her happy. Even thought it's not my job to keep her happy.

"I had the best people hired, to check what is your relationship like with Ciel" I stopped her right there, how can such a pink happy bubbly girl can think and get so dark on things. "Elizabeth" I started but she cut me off to finish what she wanted to say, "I dislike how close you both are.. Me and him are suppose to be close! He is my Ciel! I'm suppose to make him happy not you! What are you even doing to him to get him the way he is?!" She stepped closer staring daggers straight at me. It was sad and weird for her to act such a way, "Elizabeth if I may? Do you mean to ask how do I get him focused on the duties the queen request him to work on?" It was sarcastic but it just didn't make sense on what she was getting at. Her once bright shiny child like green orbs were dark like she was holding some secrets herself. "Are you getting smart with me?" She eyed me closer I honestly wanted to just say no but the words wouldn't form nor did the words want to come out of my mouth. "No you see honey; Ciel and you are just cousins and there is no way on earth is he going to be happy again with you running around like a toddler."

I had no idea what came over me to say such words.

"Phantomhive wants a mature smart beautiful girl by his side who can do serious crime lord work but yet can be sweet like a doll, you couldn't even toughen up if you saw a mice. News flash baby! Pink is wickedly just not adorable or cute. So sad you don't see how badly Ciel makes a face of disgust when he sees you" I giggled covering my mouth looking back at her seeing her with tears in her eyes. "Aw I thought you said don't get offended" I said petting her blonde locks of hair. "You are not sane" she shook her head side to side, "nor are you normal. you're not real and you don't belong! I am perfection and that is what Ciel needs not some freak!" She ran off stomping her way out of the manor. "That wasn't you hm?" Leo asked, must have heard everything. "Keep quiet I need to see Undertaker"

Nodding, he walked away doing as told getting the carriage ready. "I know it's not your time to be patient so I thought just a horse ride would be fine?" He suggested. I walked to the (F/C) horse sitting on the saddle, "You know me well. Now I know you heard what was being said in the study, you weren't supposed to hear anything" I spoke looking at him as he rode on the other (2F/C) horse we both grabbing the reins.

"I couldn't help (Y/n) it sounded spicy" He teased, but I knew there was something bothering him. I pulled the reins back stopping the horse from moving anymore then looking at Leo. "What's wrong" I asked, actually  caring for once. I know Leo did me wrong lots of time in the past but I can't just use him or even throw him to the side because I soon had grown attached to him. "Nothing my mistress now let's move on forward" He insisted but I just felt like it would be wrong just ignoring  the fact that there is something wrong and I may could help.

"Please tell me, I may could help" I begged looking at him sadly making a puppy dog face. He sighed heavily, stopping the horse looking back at me with guilt and regret in his eyes. "So you have feelings for the queen's guard dog? I hope you'll be happy.." He trailed off and I finally knew what he was trying to get at but I didn't know how to explain to him I didn't mean saying it. "Leo-"

"I know, I know. This is your life and choice it's just how you feel about him. I get it" He said with his rage wanting to build up and explode!

"No." I said sternly looking down and back at him again. "I have feelings for you too, I can't say I have feelings for anyone because there is you and Ciel and other guys that has made my heart dance and skip a beat, makes my palms get sweaty. A constant smile that wants to appear out of no where. Where you say stupid things that doesn't make sense but makes me laugh and get shy. You have to respect that, and give me time to have what the heart wants what it wants and can't get enough of. I'm sorry if in the end it's someone you dislike but it is my life. And you have to respect that." I basically preached, the horses started to gallop once again closer and closer to the Undertaker's shop. Before we knew it we were right in front of the shop. "You think he'll let us in?" I asked Leo pretending at our conversation had never happened, "Probably but what about the horses," he pointed out looking back at the two horses we were riding. "I'll check" I sighed. He nodded and I knocked on the door walking in slowly, "Undertaker! You here?" I called out "Yeeeeeesssssss?" Someone answered back. I knew  he was hiding in one of the coffins because it's just part of him.  "Let's talk please? Basically it'll be just me and you anyways." I said into the darkness and felt a had behind me on my shoulder and I turned around seeing Undertaker smiling.

I know he might look creepy and old to other people but he looked handsome, in other words he looked hot he is unique like no other and really fun to be around with. I like him, I'd like to get to know him better but I need to focus on my life. Because I am not perfect. "SO what is the real reason you came to see me? Someone died? You want information-?" I cut him off, "I don't know! Okay?! I thought of you and came here without a second thought!" I looked down unsure of anything anymore as he smiled widely at me. "You came here also for something else" Undertaker pointed his long black nail at me. I nodded, he was right I did but kind of looking at him I forget why did I. And not because he's so scary looking, no it's just I cant help it!

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