Dream After Dream

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I awoke from that dream that felt like a reality. "Miss (y/n) are you okay?" Sebastian asked peering over my body, "Oh my.." "What? What happened?" I said freaking out looking down at my body seeing blood on my nightgown. "I'll get this cleaned up right away" He said moving quick on his feet. He came back putting pressure on the wounds, "Can you hear me? (Y/n)!" He said shaking my body. My eyes started to close losing consciousness as my eyes shut I saw someone in front of me in a mask. "How do we do today?" The person asked. But this time it was a females voice, "Are you ready?" The voice asked again. I looked around me seeing a figure in the shadows coming closer to me all black robed hoodie with a mask. "For what" I said making my voice loud and clear, I can hear the smile in the females voice as she spoke "Let's get moving then" all of the sudden I was picked up in thin air and on to a glass floor that I saw from there visons of Ciel and Claude, Alois and Sebastian and Leon and all the guys. "What's this?" I asked my voice wavering "Your life" the voice answered as I continued looking at the glass I put my hand on it and fell through it

"Oh look its (y/n) in the wonderland hehe" The voice laughed and disappeared I picked myself up off the ground and heard chanting like from the other dream as I walked further from where I started the chanting got closer and I saw another person, I stared at their back side "Hey! Uhm uh you real?" I asked/shouted stepping closer, I didn't hear a reply as I was right behind them I reached my hand out to them touching their shoulder. They had (h/l) (h/c) just like me, they turned around and.. I saw myself  "Wh-who are you? I asked hesitantly only seeing that the other me attacked me, their eyes were off it wasn't like mines it was like they were insane. Their eyes wasn't even the same (e/c) as mines they were pitch black and when they smiled blood oozed out of their mouth. I stepped back but they dragged my leg closer to themselves "They'll know who you really are" a deep voice said and everything disappeared and I was in my bed again. I looked at my body seeing no wounds, I got up and ran to the bathroom looking in the bathroom seeing everything normal. I sighed deeply knowing it was all a bad dream.

"That's what they all think" the same voice said, instead of seeing my reflection I see the same crazy one. Their hand reached out to pull me in but before I entered the mirror I woke up again! But with everyone surrounding me. "Hey (y/n) you alright?" Alois said looking up at me with his big baby blue eyes, I started stuttering before I can get the words out my mouth. "You were screaming in your sleep.." Ciel said looking down "If there's something the matter we can help you" He offered, I smiled at him and he smiled back, his dark mysterious cold eyes turned pitch black with a red small dot in the middle. "You're so easy to be tricked!" He laughed, I looked up to see their all the same and Claude and Sebastian in their true demon form. In the distance I see Leon smirking but it.. wasn't him..

I stood up but fell right back down and opened my eyes seeing I am really awake, and it's not anymore constant dreams.

Black Butler x reader #Watty2016#JustWriteIt COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now