Ronald's Ending

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Just as I was about to speak out loud my thought on who my heart has chosen a lawn mower flew from the window and to my feet, "Hey baby girl I just want to tell ya' why don't you pretend to be my lawn mower, so I can go back and thrust you into those trees!" Everyone else's face scrunched up in disgust as I giggled, my face turning beet red. "Ronald!" I squealed.

"You pick someone who just wants to stick their-" Ronald cut off one of the guys, "Hey! I'm not like that! I can get any woman I want! That's why I have the lovely one and only (Y/n) here with me tonight." There was a couple of groans and everyone just glared at him.

"Well..." I trailed off looking at the ground then he picked up my face with his fingers on my chin, "I only want you. Trust me when I say this but I love you. I can make you feel pleasure and have fun and make you laugh I can-" as he was about to go on more on what he can do for me I pushed my lips against his. Moving a inch back away from each other looking at one another's faces to see our own reaction. We were both blushing. "I believe you"

He smiled, "really?!" He was fairly excited and happy I chose him.

I hummed nodding bringing him closer to me, "Let me show you what else I can ride other than a lawn mower." And winked as he gaped.

Black Butler x reader #Watty2016#JustWriteIt COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now